
SOFA Unveils 2020/2021 Participants


    BERLIN: Nine projects represented by ten participants will take part in the 8th edition of SOFA –School of Film Advancement. They include participants from Hungary, Lithuania, and Slovenia.

    The current edition will kick-start 18 – 28 August 2020, with the first Warsaw workshop being held online.

    Further workshops will take place in Tbilisi and Vilnius in 2021.

    The participants are:

    Victoria Aleksanyan, Armenia
    Project: Shortwave Lab (development and funding platform for short films)

    Elkjana Gjipali, Albania
    Project: Tirana Film Commission (regional production service)

    Stefanie Gödicke / Philipp Maurice Raube, Germany
    Project: NewNarratives (Arabic-European audiovisual training initiative)

    Rufat Hasanov, Azerbaijan
    Project: Independent Cinema Fund (alternative fund for independent Azerbaijani films)

    Leonid Kalitenya, Belarus
    Project: Svajo Kino(VoD platform for Belarusian independent cinema)

    Igor Mašera, Slovenia
    Project: BSF-LUX (VoD platform for Slovenian cinematography)

    Janka Pozsonyi, Hungary
    Project: Kontra Film (an initiative to promote, distribute, empower Hungary’s independent filmmaker scene)

    Willy Rollé, Germany/France
    Project: Tavma Pop-Up (digital distribution on-demand platform for non-theatrical screening)

    Rita Stanelytė, Lithuania
    Project: Mata Hari Communication (boutique film marketing and promotion consultancy)