
PRIMEPACKAGING wraps 2009 workshop

By FNE Staff

    PRIMEPACKAGING 2009 (www.prime-house.eu) concluded its Berlin workshop, with films from Lithuania, Cyprus, and Poland participating.

    The seven projects chosen included Fling a Stone, David, a drama produced by Rasa Miskinyte / ERA Film, Lithuania (www.erafilm.lt); Where Aphrodite was Born, a children's movie produced by Marios Piperides / AMP Film Works & Seahorse Film Productions (Andros@seahorsefilms.com), Cyprus; and two Polish films: Musicschool Chick an animation film produced by Andrzej Wojnach / Skiba Arts (www.skiba-arts.eu), and Raiders: The Raven and the Cross, an adventure film produced by Slawomir Ciok / Icebreaker Films (slawomir.ciok@gmail.com).

    The workshop is the first EU Media funded programme to include support for the games and interactive media aspect of packaging film projects.

    Experts guiding the participants included script consultants Phil Parker (Wallace and Gromit) and Cornelia Hermann, Thorsten Ritter (Head of Bavaria Film International) and Michael Gens, (Commerzbank) for sales, Kai May (Unverzagt von Have) for financing, Christoph Ott (nfp marketing & distribution, Berlin) for distribution and Uwe Beneke (Yager Development) for the games field.

    The programme is supported by MEDIA - Training programme of the European Union, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Austrian Film Institute and German Federal Film Board (FFA). The next two meetings take place in Vienna (14th - 18th of October14-18) and Warsaw (December 11-13).