
Romanian films had the following sales in the past year: 2011-2012

By Iulia Blaga
    • Beverly Hills based sales agent House of Film (www.houseoffilm.com) picked up Lucian Georgescu's first feature film, Phantom Father/Tatăl fantomă produced by Generic Audiovizual SRL (www.gav.ro) and based on a semi-autobiographical story of the cult American screenwriter Barry Gifford who also has a small part in the film. 
    • The Romanian/Irish feature documentary Off the Beaten Path, directed by Dieter Auner and produced by Cristian Mungiu (www.mobrafilm.ro), was sold by the Vienna based EastWest Filmdistribution (www.eastwest-distribution.com) to France, Estonia, Bulgaria, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary.
    • Films Boutique (www.filmsboutique.com) has sold Radu Jude's Everybody in Our Family/Toată lumea din familia noastră to Poland. 
    • Films Boutique has also acquired Adrian Sitaru's Best Intentions/Din dragoste, cu cele mai bune intenţii, while