The film, co-written by Vlad Păunescu and Constantin Chelba, aspires to be a local blockbuster by tackling the sensitive period starting 1989, when Nicolae Ceaușescu fell from power and violent demonstrations of the miners (the so-called Mineriad) came to Bucharest at the call of President Ion Iliescu and violently put an end to the peaceful demonstrations for democracy in the University Square from 13 to 15 June 1990.
The story follows a young actor (Eduard Trifa), who is caught in this boisterous time while rehearsing for The Karamazov Brothers in a theatre in Bucharest and shooting for the cinema. Reconstructions of some of the most important Romanian films and plays from the 70s-90s will be incorporated in the film alongside historical reconstructions of the demolishing of the Sfânta Vineri church and the Revolution in 1989, as well as the Mineriad in June 1990.
The cast of both established and young actors includes Ana Maria Guran, Dragoș Galgoțiu, Ioana Crăciunescu, Ioan Andrei Ionescu, Emanuel Pârvu, Alin Panc, Alexandra Sălceanu, Valentin Teodosiu and Constantin Codrescu.
Miruna Gheorghiu is producing through Castel Film. Representatives of Castel Film haven't disclosed the budget. The Romanian Film Centre supported the project with approximately 480,000 EUR / 2.29 m RON in May 2018.
The film was shot by Alex Sterian in Bucarest, Brăila and Pitești.
No sales agents or distributors are attached to the project at this time.
Production Information:
Castel Film Studios (Romania)
Director: Vlad Păunescu
Scriptwriters: Vlad Păunescu, Constantin Chelba
DoP: Alex Sterian
Costumes: Oana Păunescu
Art director: Sorin Dima
Cast: Eduard Trifa, Ana Maria Guran, Dragoș Galgoțiu, Ioana Crăciunescu, Ioan Andrei Ionescu, Emanuel Pârvu, Alin Panc, Alexandra Sălceanu, Valentin Teodosiu, Constantin Codrescu, Nicodim Ungureanu, Ioana Bugarin, Cuzin Toma, Bogdan Cotleț, Nicoleta Lefter, Ada Galeș, Ozana Oancea, Voica Oltean, Horațiu Mălăele