
Photophobia Wins IGRIC 2024

    Photophobia by Ivan Ostrochovský and Pavol Pekarčík Photophobia by Ivan Ostrochovský and Pavol Pekarčík credit: Punkchart Films

    BRATISLAVA: Ivan Ostrochovský and Pavol Pekarčík were awarded the main prize for directing Photophobia / Svetloplachosť at the 35th edition of the IGRIC Awards held in Bratislava on 22 September 2024. These are the oldest film prizes in Slovakia and one of the two important national film awards in the country, alongside the Sun in a Net Awards.

    The IGRIC Award for a documentary went to Viera Čákanyová for directing Notes from Eremocene / Poznámky z Eremocénu. 

    A Special Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to the Slovak director Juraj Lihosit.

    The IGRIC Awards are organised by the Slovak Film Union, the Union of the Slovak Television Creators and the Slovak Literary Fund, co-organised by the Slovak Radio and Television, Slovak Film Institute and  Culture Establishment Petržalka. The event is supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund.


    IGRIC Award for Best Feature Film Released in Cinemas:
    Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík for Photophobia / Svetloplachosť (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine)
    Produced by Punkchart filmsCinémotif Films
    Alexander Bárta - IGRIC for Main Actor, credit: Lennie MaxxCoproduced by the Radio and Television Slovakia (RTVS), Arthouse Traffic, the Czech Television
    Supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Czech Film Fund, the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic

    Special Prize for Creativity:
    Mátyás Prikler for Power / Moc (Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia)
    Directed by Mátyás Prikler
    Produced by Mphilms
    Coproduced by Proton Cinema, the Radio and Television of SlovakiaNegativ
    Supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Czech Film Fund, the National Film Institute - Hungary, Creative Europe - MEDIA, EurimagesKULT MINOR

    IGRIC Award for Television Drama:
    Peter Bebjak for Mathematics of Crime / Matematika zločinu (Slovakia, Czech Republic)
    Directed by Peter Bebjak

    Special Prize for Creativity:
    Zuzana Líšková and Mariana Čengel Solčanská for Three Gold Ducats / Tri zlaté dukáty (Slovakia, Czech Republic)
    Directed by Mariana Čengel Solčanská

    IGRIC Award for a Film / Television Documentary:
    Viera Čákanyová for Notes from Eremocene / Poznámky z Eremocénu (Slovakia, Czech Republic)

    Special Prize for Creativity:
    Jaro Vojtek for directing The Third End of the Stick/ Tretí koniec palice (Slovakia)

    IGRIC Award for Animation:
    Filip Pošivač for directing Tony, Shelly and the Magic Light / Tonko, Slávka a kúzelné svetlo (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary)
    Produced by Nutprodukce
    Coproduced by NutprodukciaFilmfabriq
    Supported by Creative Europe MEDIA, the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Czech Film Fund, the Czech Television, the Radio and Television SlovakiaEurimages, the Zlin region, the National Film Institute – Hungary (NFI)

    Special Prize for Creativity:
    Timotej Lukovič for directing The Wasteland / Pustatina (Slovakia)

    IGRIC Award for an Actress in a Feature / Television Film:
    Éva Bandor in Standing Still / Nablízku (Slovakia)
    Directed by Monika Mahútová

    Special Prize for Creativity:
    Zuzana Kanócz for Waltzing Matilda / Tancuj Matyldo (Czech Republic, Slovakia)
    Directed by Petr Slavík
    Produced by VIRIUSfilm
    Coproduced by the Czech Television
    Supported by the Czech Film Fund, the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Plzeň Region, the Bratislava City Foundation

    Anežka Petrová for Cop War / Vojna policajtov (Slovakia, Czech Republic)
    Directed by Rudolf Biermann
    Produced by CinemArt, CinemArt, IN Film
    Supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund

    IGRIC Award for an Actor in a Feature / Television Film:
    Alexander Bárta in Cop War / Vojna policajtov 

    Special Prize for Creativity:

    Marián Miezga for As Bad As It Gets / Tak zle, ako sa len dá (Slovakia)
    Directed by Viktor Csudai
    Produced by Viktor Film (Slovakia)
    Coproduced by Punkchart films

    Richard Autner for As Bad As It Gets / Tak zle, ako sa len dá

    Director producer and screenwriter Yvonne Vavrová and moderator Peter Kočiš, credit: Lennie MaxxOther Film and Television Awards:

    Special Prize for Creativity for Other Film and Television Work:
    Ľubomír Ján Slivka for directing ANDY WARHOL: The American Dream / ANDY WARHOL: Americký sen (Slovakia, Czech Republic)

    Special Prize for Creativity in Audiovisual Theory and Criticism:
    Peter Michalovič for editing of the book Family Film Silver / Rodinné filmové striebro

    Awards of Ján Fajnor for Filmmakers Younger than 35:

    Feature or Television Film:
    Monika Mahútová for Standing Still / Nablízku (Slovakia)

    Documentary Film:
    Katarína Gramatová for A Good Mind Grows In Thorny Places / Dom Strom

    Animated film:
    Imrich Kútik for Silo

    Special Mention for Producing:
    Juraj Krasnohorský for White Plastic Sky / Umelohmotné nebo (Slovakia, Hungary)
    Directed by Tibor Bánóczki, Sarolta Szabó
    Produced by Artichoke Film
    Coproduced by Salto FilmProton Cinema
    Supported by the National Film Institute – Hungary,  the RTVS – Radio and Television SlovakiaEurimages, the Hungarian Film Incentive, the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Lithuanian tax incentive

    Lifetime Achievement Award:
    Director Juraj Lihosit