
FNE Visegrad Prix nominations for best documentary announced

By FNE Staff

    WARSAW: Nominations for the first-ever FNE Visegrad Prix for best documentary coproduction from a Visegard country have been announced. The films are all screening in the International Bratislava Film Festival 2010 (5-11 November) official programme and the final selection will be made by the festival's main jury and announced at the festival's closing ceremony. The Prix is an initiative of Film New Europe together and backed by the International Visegrad Fund.

    The prize is being awarded to recognize the artistic achievements of filmmakers in the Visegrad countries and to encourage cultural co-operation between partners within Visegrad countries and partners in other European countries of the European Union as well as internationally. The competitive prize is organized together with the support of CinePecs International  Film Festival (www.cinepecs.hu) in Hungary, International Bratislava Film Festival (www.iffbratislava.sk) in Slovakia, Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival (www.dokument-festival.cz) in the Czech Republic and Era New Horizons International Film Festival (www.enh.pl) in Poland and Film Europe (www.kinocz.cz). The winner will receive 1000 Euros cash prize along with 5000 Euros of publicity on FNE throughout the year and promotion at other participating film festivals. A further Prix for best feature film was awarded earlier this year at the CinePecs International Film Festival the producer of Pal Adrienne the Budpest based KMH One Films www.khmfilm.com. Adrienn Pal was directed by Agnes Kocsis.

    FNE Visegrad Prix Nominations for best documentary coproduction* from a Visegard country.

    International Bratislava Film Festival 2010

    Die Haushaltshilfe directed by Anna Hoffmann

    Assistant director: Tina Sakova

    Production: Produktion: Sommerhaus Filmproduktion

    Kontakt: sommerhaus. Filmproduktionen. Jochen Laube jochen.laube@gmx.de

    Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg www.filmakademie.de

    Südwestrundfunk; Gefördert von der MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg


    Out of round: What is behind? Directed by Jaroslav Vojtek

    Production: Ugly Agency & Production s.r.o.

    Duhova 13, Senec, 90310, Slovkia

    Co-financed by EEA, Norway and Slovakia

    Mongolia - In the Shadow of Genghis Khan directed by Pavol Barabas

    Production: K2 Studio www.k2studio.sk

    Distribution: Film Europe

    Sales: Film Europe

    Mongolian coproduction parnter


    Best Deal of My Life directed by Peter Navratil

    Production: STV www.stv.sk

    Sales: STV

    Israeli production partner


    Czech Peace directed by Filip Remunda, Vit Klusak

    Production: Hypermarket Film www.hypermarketfilm.cz

    Sales: Taskovski Films Ltd. www.taskovskifilms.com


    *Documentaries with significant participation of talent from Visegard countries are also eligible to compete for the Prix in the documentary category. Pre-selection is decided by the festival selection committee.