
FNE Market Analysis 2023: SLOVENIA


    LJUBLJANA: In 2023, cinema exhibition and film production were generally stabilised. Cinema attendance still did not reach pre-pandemic numbers but is getting there, having reached 2 m admissions. Film distribution and cinema releases completely recovered, as well as film production.

    Wake Me by Marko Šantić, credit: VertigoThe 2023 admissions were almost the same as in 2022 (with significantly lower share for domestic titles), while the box office slightly increased due to higher ticket prices.

    The first and the largest Slovenian cineplex Kolosej Ljubljana, which started operating in 2001, closed in March 2023 due to financial and legal problems of the company Kolosej Kinematografi.

    The Slovenian Film Centre (SFC), received 8.975 m EUR for running costs, film funding and other activities in 2023 (compared to 6.667 m EUR in 2022). The goal, announced in 2018, that the annual budget for film production should gradually increase and reach 11 m EUR in a five-year period, has not yet been achieved. However, 35% higher support was secured in 2023 compared to 2022.

    In February 2023, the Slovenian Federation of Filmmakers’ Guilds (ZDSFU) started to prepare a new strategic plan for the development of the Slovenian audiovisual industry until 2030, aiming to boost its potential.

    The Slovenian Minister of Culture is Asta Vrečko, appointed in June 2022.

    The head of the Slovenian Film Centre is Nataša Bučar, who was re-appointed in November 2021 for a five-year term.


    Between 15 and 20 domestic feature films and long documentaries are produced per year. In 2023, the number of completed films was lower than in 2022, but it still reached the upper average limit, with many of them made by female directors.

    The majority of the new Slovenian productions are coproductions with other ex-Yugoslavian and bordering EU countries. Foreign producers’ share in the investments in Slovenian majority projects is around 30%, and the number of foreign coproductions is still increasing.

    Fifteen feature films and five long documentaries (including coproductions) were completed or/and released in 2023 (compared to 28 in 2022), and 18 among them were supported by the Slovenian Film Centre (compared to 25 in 2022).

    In 2024, twenty films (12 feature films and eight long documentaries) are expected to be completed, which is significantly more than in 2023, when just 13 were completed.

    Seven feature films are expected to start shooting in 2024, compared to 12 in 2023.Observing by Janez Burger,  credit: Staragara

    The feature films (excluding minority coproductions) completed in 2023 are: Whisper of a Butterfly directed by Alen Pavšar and produced by Almedia; Lunatic / Šterkijada directed by Igor Šterk and produced by A.A.C Production; Role Model / Vzornik directed by Nejc Gazvoda and produced by Perfo Production in coproduction with EvolutionFilms (Czech Republic), La Sarraz Pictures (Italy) and Biberche (Serbia); Shoting Blanks / Poslednji heroj directed by Žiga Virc and produced by Studio Virc in coproduction with Asphalt (Greece), Nukleus Film (Croatia), Levante Produzioni (Italy) and Asterisk Post (Greece); Kaj + Ester Forever / Kaj + Ester za vedno directed by Tosja Flaker Berce and produced by Temporama in coproduction with Gliser, Studio Arkadena, NuFrame and 001; Observing / Opazovanje directed by Janez Burger and produced by Staragara in coproduction with Propeler film (Croatia), Transmedia (Italy) and Kaval Film (North Macedonia); Something Sweet / Nekaj sladkega directed by Tin Vodopivec and produced by Sparks&Juice; Je kir ke riku? directed by Andrej Pratnemer and Denis Vengust, and produced by Pratnemer.

    The long documentaries (excluding minority coproductions) completed in 2023 are: Pero directed by Damjan Kozole and produced by Vertigo in coproduction with RTV Slovenija and Korektif; Woman of God / Duhovnica directed by Maja Prettnar and produced by Studio Virc in coproduction with Al Jazeera (Quatar); Two Steps from the Baltic to the Adriatic / Dva koraka od Baltika do Jadrana (Slovenia, Italy) directed by Jan Mozetič and produced by Kinoatelje; and Through My Eyes / Skozi moje oči directed by Igor Vrtačnik and produced by Zavod Film Horizont. The Pero by Damjan Kozole, credit: Vertigolong experimental documentary Don't Think It Will Ever Go Away / Ne misli, da bo kdaj mimo directed by Tomaž Grom and produced by Zavod Sploh was also completed in 2023. 

    The following feature films (excluding minority coproductions) are expected to be completed in 2024: Hole / Jama directed by Dejan Babosek and produced by Narayan Production and Studio Ritem; Fantasy directed by Katarina Rešek – Kukla and produced by December in coproduction with Krug film (North Macedonia) and RTV Slovenija; Family Therapy / Odrešitev za začetnike directed by Sonja Prosenc and produced by Monoo; Tartini’s Key / Tartinijev ključ directed by Vinci Vogue Anžlovar and produced by Blade production in coproduction with RTV Slovenija and A-LAB (Italy); Little Trouble Girls directed by Urška Djukić and produced by SPOK Films in coproduction with Izazov 365 (Croatia), Staragara (Italy), Sister Productions (France) and Nosorogi; Ida Who Sang So Badly Even the Dead Rose Up and Joined Her in Song / Ida, ki je pela tako grdo, da so še mrtvi vstali od mrtvih in zapeli z njo directed by Ester Ivakič and produced by Temporama in coproduction with Dinaridi Film (Croatia) and Set Sail Films (Serbia); Ciao Bela / Čao bela, directed by Jani Sever and produced by Sever & Sever; Block 5 / Igrišča ne damo directed by Klemen Dvornik and produced by Aatalanta in coproduction with RTV Slovenija, Living Pictures (Serbia) and BFilm (Czech Republic); The Lost Son / Izgubljeni sin directed by Darko Štante and produced by Staragara in coproduction with Propeler Film, Silk Films (Czech Republic) and Tansmedia produkcija (Italy); Hidden People / Skriti ljudje directed by Miha Hočevar and produced by Vertigo.

    The docu-fiction Tales of Fruits and Monsters / Sadni film directed by Gregor Božič and produced by Nosorogi in coproduction with Bocapulco Films is expected to start shooting in 2024.

    The following long documentaries (excluding minority coproductions) are expected to be completed in 2024: Cent´anni directed by Maja Prelog and produced by Cvinger film in coproduction with Agresywna Banda (Poland), Zena film (Italy) and Zwinger film (Austria); The Volta Cinema / Kino Volta directed by Martin Turk and produced by Faubla in coproduction with Quasar Land of Sar director Petra Seliškar during shooting, copyright: Petra Pan FilmMultimedia (Italy), RTV Slovenija and Planet Korda Pictures (Ireland); Land of Sar / Dežela šarplaninca directed by Petra Seliškar and produced by Petra Pan Film; Was There Anything Avant-garde? / Ali je bilo kaj avantgardnega? directed by Matevž Jerman, Jurij Meden and produced by Temporama in coproduction with Kinoteka; The Silence of Life / V tišini življenja directed by Nina Blažin and produced by Casablanca in coproduction with RTV Slovenija and Incipit film (Italy).

    The following feature films (excluding minority coproductions) are in (post)production in 2024 and expected to be completed in 2025: Everything That’s Wrong With You / Vse, kar je narobe s tabo directed by Urša Menart and produced by Vertigo in coproduction with Thalia Production (Serbia) and RTV Slovenija; and This Is a Robbery! / To je rop! directed by Gregor Andolšek and produced by Temporama in coproduction with RTV Slovenija, 001 and NuFrame.

    The following feature films (excluding minority coproductions) are expected to start shooting in 2024: Girl of the Night directed by Luka Marčetič and produced by Temporama; FC Freedom / NK Svoboda directed by Boris Petkovič and produced by Iridium film; Whites Wash at Ninety / Belo se pere na devetdeset directed by Marko Naberšnik and produced by Perfo Production; Elvis Škorc, Clever Klutz / Elvis Škorc, genialništor directed by Boris Jurjaševič and produced by Fabula; A Way Away / Pot stranpot directed by Sara Kern and produced by Spok; Hotel Alcohol / Hotel Alkohol directed by Jan Cvitkovič and produced by Staragara; and 20 Meters / 20 metrov directed by Damjan Kozole and produced by Vertigo.

    The following feature films (excluding minority coproductions) are in preproduction in 2024: Taming the Wicked / Divjad directed by Dominik Mencej and produced by Temporama; FC Freedom / NK Svoboda directed by Boris Petkovič and produced by Iridium film in coproduction with Homemade Films (Greece), Antitalent (Croatia) and Manderley Films (Germany); and Čista in zakopana directed by Martin Turk and produced by Bela film.

    Woman of God by Maja Prettner, credit: Studio VircThe 25% cash rebate scheme, introduced in 2017, helps to stimulate the shooting of foreign productions in Slovenia. In 2023, a total of 1,285,300 EUR was allocated for 11 projects, compared to 2,773,555 EUR for eight projects in 2022 and 1,899,503 EUR in 2021.

    The feature films benefiting from the cash rebate scheme in 2023 were: Alpha directed by Jan Willem Van Ewijk, produced by BALDR Film BV (the Netherlands) and coproduced from Slovenia by Staragara; Bachelorette Party 2 / Addio al nubilato 2 directed by Francesco Apolloni, produced by Minerva Pictures group S.R.L. (Italy) and coproduced from Slovenia by Staragara; Back in Action directed by Seth Gordon, produced by Oasis Productions Limited (UK) and coproduced by Pakt Media from Slovenia; and Last Shadow of First Light directed by Nicole Midori Woodford, produced by Protocol (Singapore) and coproduced from Slovenia by Studio Virc.

    Fiction TV series benefiting from the cash rebate scheme in 2023 were: Hallo directed by Dannie Gordon, produced by Silver Entertainment Kft (Hungary) and coproduced from Slovenia by Pakt Media; The Wheel of Time directed by Ciaran Donnely, Thomas Napper and Marta Cunnighan, produced by Little Islands Production Ltd (UK) and coproduced from Slovenia by Pakt Media; and the complete season of TV series Dates in Real Life directed by Jakob Rorvik, produced by Maipo film (Norway) and coproduced from the Slovenian side by Staragara.

    Documentary TV series benefiting from the cash rebate scheme in 2023 were: Wolves in the Fold directed by David Sipos, produced by Eternal Word Television Network, INC (USA) and coproduced from Slovenia by Studio Siposh; Doctors of the Church directed by David Sipos, produced by Eternal Word Television Network, INC (USA) and coproduced from Slovenia by Studio Siposh; Brown Scapular / Rjavi Škapulir directed by Vid Planinc, produced by Eternal Word Television Network, INC (USA) and coproduced from Slovenia by Studio Siposh; and Food Markets in the Belly of the City Ljubljana / Tržnica produced by Stefilm International S.r.l. (Italy) and coproduced from Slovenia by Zavod Rusalka.

    Ida Who Sang So Badly Even the Dead Rose Up and Joined Her in Song by Ester Ivakič, copyright: Asiana Jurca AvciDISTRIBUTION

    The number of films released in cinemas in 2023 was 202, which is a little higher than in 2022 (174).

    Fourteen full-length Slovenian films (seven feature films, five long documentaries, one experimental documentary and one docu-fiction) competed for the Vesna awards, in addition to two coproduction feature titles which were screened at the annual showcase of Slovenian film, the 26th Festival of Slovenian Film Portoroz, which ran from 3 to 8 October 2023.

    Tomaž Grom’s Don't Think It Will Ever Go Away, produced by Zavod Sploh, won the Vesna Award for Best Film at the 26th Festival of Slovenian Film Portoroz, together with another Vesna award for music, composed by the director himself.

    Marko Šantić’s Wake Me, produced by Vertigo, coproduced by Living Pictures Serbia and
    Jaka Produkcija Croatia, won the Vesna Award for Best Feature Film together with another four Vesna Awards for Screenplay, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor and Make-up.

    Petra Seliškar’s The Body, produced by Petra Pan Film, coproduced by PPFP North Macedonia and Wolfgang & Dolly Croatia, won the Vesna Award for Best Long Documentary.

    Ivan Gergolet won the Vesna award for Best Director for The Man without Guilt, produced by Staragara, coproduced by Transmedia Italy and Propeler Film Croatia, together with the Slovenian Art Cinema Association Award and Iridium Award for Best Debut Feature.

    Don't Think It Will Ever Go Away by Tomaž Grom, credit: Zavod SplohMaja Prettner's Woman of God, produced by Studio Virc, received the Vesna Audience Award together with the Vesna award for Editing, as well as the Slovenian Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI) Award.

    Safe Place by Juraj Lerotić, produced by Pipser, coproduced by December and Zelena Zraka, won the Vesna award for Best minority Slovenian coproduction and also for Best Photography.

    In 2023, the Slovenian Film Centre organised eight retrospectives abroad, presenting the national film production to the international audience. Slovenian films were shown in Pula (Croatia), Sombotel, Budapest (Hungary), Belgrade (Serbia), Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Germany. Slovenia was the guest of honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair, and Slovenian films were presented at Slovenian Focus at DOC Leipzig and in a Retrospective of Slovenian films at Kino Arsenal in Berlin.

    International film festivals screened some of the latest Slovenian feature films in 2023: Man without a Guilt and Wake Me screened at Tallinn Black Nights FF, together with two long documentaries, Pero at Rotterdam FF and Body at the Sarajevo Film Festival.

    The year 2023 was also successful for Slovenian minority coproductions: Guardians of the Formula by Dragan Bjelogrlić (produced by Cobra Film, coproduced by Ton Film, Perfo Production, Bitter Frames Production, Skopje Film Studio) premiered at Locarno FF and won the Variety Piazza Grande Award as well as the Pardo Verde Ricola Award (together with the Audience Award for best film at the Sarajevo Film Festival). Not a Word by Hanna Slak, produced by Volte, coproduced by Tramal Films and Ici et Là Productions, premiered at the Toronto FF, and Guardians of the Formula by Dragan Bjelogrlić, photo: Aleksandar LetićForever Hold Your Peace by Ivan Marinović, produced by Adriatic Western, coproduced by Sense Production, Analog Vision, Kinorama, Krug Film and SPOK Films, premiered at Tallinn FF.

    The leading position among distributors in 2023 belongs to Blitz Film & Video Distribution with 45% admissions share, followed by Karantanija Cinemas (33%), Continental Film (9%), Fivia (8%), Cinemania Group (3%) and Demiurg (2%).

    The leading Slovenian distributor Blitz Film & Video Distribution is strongly connected to its mother company in Croatia and it releases mostly commercial films from major Hollywood studios (Warner Bros., Fox, Disney), as well as Continental (Sony/Columbia). Karantanija Cinemas distributes some major (UIP) and independent titles, while smaller Slovenian distribution companies (Fivia, Cinemania Group, Demiurg) distribute independent, domestic and European films. In 2023 their admissions share decreased to 13% from 16% in 2022.


    The leading and only S-VOD platform is still VOYO (produced by Pro plus), followed by AVOD platform 365 (produced by RTV Slovenija), while Planet Group’s AVOD platform Planeteka closed.

    The Slovenian Film Database, which is successfully operating as the main Slovenian online database platform, enables online viewing of a selection of Slovenian films on its platform, some of them free of charge.

    Body by Petra Seliškar, copyright: Brand FerroThe common VOD platform, online.artkinomreza.si, which was started in 2020 by the leading art house cinema Kinodvor along with the members of the Slovenian Art Cinema Association, is successfully operating. Nineteen art house cinemas, including Kinodvor, are using this platform for their online screenings.


    Slovenian average annual cinema admissions before the pandemic had usually been around 2.5 m and generated around 12 m EUR per year. In 2023, the admissions remained almost the same and the box office slightly increased compared to 2022. Total admissions still did not reach the pandemic results, but box office did, generally because of the higher ticket prices.

    There are around 50 operating cinemas with 106 screens (of which 101 are digital), and the average ticket price is around 6.2 EUR.

    Most of the Slovenian attendance is generated by the multiplex chain Cineplexx, which operates in Ljubljana, Maribor, Celje, Kranj, Koper, Murska Sobota and Novo mesto.

    Kolosej Ljubljana, the first and the largest Slovenian cineplex, which started operating in 2001, was sold in September 2022, but it was still operating till March 2023, when it was finally closed due to financial problems of the company Kolosej Kinematografi.

    Maribor, the second largest Slovenian city, has two multiplexes, Cineplexx and Maribox, operated by Projektor from June 2017.

    The Man without Guilt by Ivan Gergolet, credit: StaragaraOther cinema theatres try to balance commercial and art house films. Most of them are members of the Slovenian Art Cinema Asociation, which currently has 28 active members. The leading art house cinema is Kinodvor, whose director is Metka Dariš.

    In 2023, the admissions were 1,887,956 (compared to 1,844,430 in 2022) and the box office was 12,828,614 EUR (compared to 11.507 m EUR in 2022), which represents almost equal admissions and some increase in the box office.

    The top titles on the overall chart were US action hits and animated films, joined by only one domestic title. The leading position belongs to Barbie (with 122,046 admissions and 828,690 EUR gross), followed by Avatar: The Way of Water (with 99,070 admissions and 942,953 EUR gross) and Oppenheimer (with 81,651 admissions and 661,744 EUR gross). In the next positions within the first ten we find the only domestic tittle, Whisper of a Butterfly directed by Alen Pavšar, produced by Almedia, distributed by Constantin Film, another US blockbuster Fast X and five family and/or animated films, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie, Elemental, Torlls Band Together, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.

    The 2023 admissions for domestic films were 201,746 and the box office was 1,034,080 EUR. It represents a 36% drop in admissions (compared to 315,084 in 2022) and 38% drop in box office (1,659,316 EUR in 2022), which means a significant fall compared to the record breaking previous year, when domestic titles represented the highest share in total cinema attendance since Slovenia regained independence (17% share in admissions and 14% share in the box office), mainly due to the success of the At Hostar 2‰ directed by Luka Marčetić, produced by Kerlc Film in coproduction with Iridum Film.

    Whisper of a Butterfly by Alen Pavšar, copyright: AlmediaThe top domestic title in 2023 was Whisper of a Butterfly by Alen Pavšar with 66,288 admissions and 326,504 EUR gross, followed by Grandpa Goes South by Vinci Vogu Anžlovar, produced by A Atalanta, with 33,600 admissions and 188,178 EUR gross, and Je kir ke riku? by Andrej Pratnemer and Denis Vengust, produced by Pratnemer, with 28,345 admissions and 166,397 EUR gross.

    The Slovenian film with the most admissions since 1991 is still At Hostar / Pr’ Hostar directed by Luka Marčetić, with 211,604 admissions, followed by Going Our Way / Gremo mi po svoje (2010) directed by Miha Hočevar, produced by Vertigo/Emotionfilm in coproduction with RTV Slovenija, with 205,439 admissions.

    The biggets film festival in Slovenia is the Ljubljana IFF, organised by Cankarjev dom. A total of 88 feature films and around 20 short films were screened (and some of them also presented online) at its 34th edition, which was held from 8 to 19 November 2023.


    The main film institution in Slovenia is the Slovenian Film Centre (SFC), a public agency established in 2010 and replacing the Slovenian Film Fund. Its goal is to encourage creativity by providing suitable conditions for audiovisual activities.

    The SFC supports national film production, postproduction, distribution and film festivals. In theory, its funding sources should come from the state budget, the agency’s own income, partnership with international organisations, donations and sponsorships. In practice, the majority of its funding is in the form of a subsidy from the Ministry of Culture, with the amount Grandpa Goes South by Vinci Vogue Anžlovar, copyright: AAtalantadepending on the annual budget of the country.

    The managing director of the SFC is Nataša Bučar, reappointed in November 2021 for the next five years till 2026. She and her team are trying to follow the four-year national strategy, announced in November 2019, and they are involved in the drafting of a new media law.

    In February 2023, the Slovenian Federation of Filmmakers’ Guilds (ZDSFU) started to prepare a new strategic plan for the development of the Slovenian audiovisual industry until 2030, aiming to boost its potential. The summaries and guidelines of the document have already been forwarded to the Cabinet of the Prime Minister. The main vision of the strategic plan is for the audiovisual industry in Slovenia to become the driving force of Slovenian culture and an important pillar of the Slovenian economy by 2030.

    The vision of the SFC and its general strategic goals in the coming period from 2020 to 2024 entail the implementation of a transparent and modern system to ensure a sustainable, functional and stable film environment.

    Since its launch, the SFC has been deeply involved in the production of domestic films. Other sources of support originate from the national television RTV Slovenija, coproductions, services backed by the state and provided by the FS Viba film studio in the form of technical assistance, from international film funds and institutions.

    In 2023 the SFC received 8.975 m EUR for running costs, film funding and other activities (compared to 6.667 m EUR in 2022), of which 8.026 m EUR all together went to film productions, Whites Wash at Ninety by Marko Naberšnik shooting, credit: Perfo Productionsand other activities. The goal, announced in 2018, that the annual budget for film production should gradually increase and reach 11 m EUR by 2022, has not yet been achieved.

    In 2023, the SFC announced 14 public tenders (compared to 13 in 2022) and awarded grants totalling 6.329 m EUR (compared to 5.682 m EUR in 2022).

    A total of 5.897 m EUR (compared to 6.171 m EUR in 2022) went to film production (feature films, documentaries, animated films, including development support). A total of 432,012 EUR (compared to 347,581 EUR in 2022) was allocated to festivals, film education, international promotion and professional associations.

    The restoration of Slovenian classics continued in 2023 with the following titles: Little Shepherds / Pastirci directed by France Štiglic (1973, Viba Film and Kinematografi Zagreb); The Merry Wedding / Veselo gostivanje directed by France Štiglic (1984, Viba Film); Dance in the Rain / Ples v dežju directed by Boštjan Hladnik (1961, Triglav film); and Cafe Astoria / Kavarna Astoria directed by Jože Pogačnik (1989, Viba Film).


    In the last few years, according to the Law on the Slovenian Film Centre, the public broadcaster RTV Slovenija has been obliged to invest in independent film and AV projects.

    The national television RTV Slovenija and the leading commercial TV channel Pro plus still play a key role in the domestic production, partly joined by Planet Group.

    Cases of Inspector Vrenko - Dario Varga as Inspector Vrenko, credit: RTV SlovenijaRTV Slovenija makes up to five feature and documentary films per year, and it acts as a regular coproducer to domestic films. In 2023, RTV Slovenija continued shooting its own production, the new season of crime series Cases of Inspector Vrenko / Primeri inšpektorja Vrenka directed by Slobodan Maksimović and Boris Jurjašević, and based on a series of novels by Tomaž Zupančič alias Avgust Demšar.

    Planet Group produced entertainment shows Married at First Sight / Poroka na prvi pogled, and Wheel of Fortune / Kolo sreče, as well as culinary shows Riba, Raca, Rak and Dinner For Five / Večerja za pet.

    The strongest commercial television, Pro plus, continued to produce TV series and entertainment shows. The new series of Camping Royals / Skrito v raju directed by Nikolaj Vodošek, as well as new seasons of reality and entertainments shows such as MasterChef Slovenija, Slovenia’s Got Talent / Slovenija ima talent, Farm / Kmetija, Home Makeover / Delovna akcija, Food Truck / Kuhinja na kolesih and Kid Cooks / Mali šef Slovenije were produced.

    Pro plus also continued to produce domestic TV series for its SVOD platform VOYO: House of Love / Hiša ljubezni and new episodes of The Kitchen / Ja, Chef!.

    The leading commercial TV Pro plus with its five channels (POP TV, KANAL A, KINO, BRIO and OTO) made its leading position even stronger with news, reality shows, local TV series, sport events and foreign programming. It is followed by the national television RTV Slovenija with its three national channels, and another commercial television, Planet Group, which is Everything That's Wrong with You by Urša Menart shooting, copyright: Domen Martinčičregaining its market share with its three channels. Other significant players are foreign cable TV channels Fox Group, Cas Media, HBO Europe; TV3 medias, and several ex-Yugoslavian TVchannels.

    Prime time in Slovenian television is generally held by news (24 ur, Dnevnik), reality and entertainment shows (Masterchef, Farmer Wants a Wife, Love at First Sight, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Fake News, V petek zvečer, Wheel of Fortune, Married at First Sight, The Real Housewives Slovenija, Joker), and domestic fiction such as the drama TV series Cases of Inspector Vrenko, directed by Slobodan Maksimović and Boris Jurjašević and produced by RTV Slovenija, airing on TV Slovenija 1.

    In 2023 Pro plus remained the leading television in Slovenia with a prime time share of 46.8%, followed by RTV Slovenija with 16.5%, Planet Group with 7.2%, and other TV channels with a total of 29.5%.



    Miklošičeva 38
    SI - 1000 Ljubljana
    Phone: +386 (0)1 23 43 200
    Fax: +386 (0)1 23 43 219

    Miklošičeva 38
    SI - 1000 Ljubljana
    Phone: +386 (0)3 23 43 200
    Fax: +386 (0)1 23 43 219

    The Lost Son by Darko Štante - sctors Nejc Cijan Garlatti Liam Benjamin Štante and Jure Henigman, copyright: Asiana Jurca AvciMINISTRY OF CULTURE OF REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA
    Maistrova ulica 10
    SI - 1000 Ljubljana
    Phone: +386 (0)1 369 59 00
    Fax: +386 (0)1 369 59 01

    Stegne 5
    SI - 1000 Ljubljana
    Phone: + 386 (0)1 5132 402
    Fax: + 386 (0)1 5132 550

    Fancetova ulica 5
    2380 Slovenj Gradec

    Report by Damijan Vinter (2023)
    Sources: the Slovenian Film Centre, the Ministry of Culture, Fivia/Cenex