Today in Warsaw will start the first session of DOC DEVELOPMENT - an intensive program of documentary development at an early stage. The project will be developed by, among others, a valued cinematographer and documentalist Paweł Dyllus, laureate of numerous international awards for "3 days of freedom" Łukasz Borowski, titled author of animations and music videos Urszula Morga, director of the award-winning Arabian secret Julia Groszek, Grand Press Photo winner Paweł Wyszomirski and Aleksandra Maciejczyk, whose film "Connected" was awarded the Silver Dragon at the 59th Krakow Film Festival. In total, 12 projects take part in the program.
The first edition of DOC DEVELOPMENT will open the Warsaw session planned for the last week of June. The next sessions will be held in autumn: in September, October, November and December. The program is organized by the Filmowa im. Władysław Ślesicki.
Konsultacje z tutorami programu DOC LAB POLAND (archiwum)
DOC DEVELOPMENT will consist of five 3-day sessions, during which participants will consult their ideas with tutors and experts - leading Polish filmmakers and other participants, analyze research and documentary photos, prepare a preliminary teaser and professional presentation materials, and finally write or refine the script. Each project is also provided to cover the cost of documentation in the amount of PLN 1,500.
The program ends with pitching for producers interested in cooperation on participants' projects and individual meetings with them. The effect of the program is also to prepare projects for submitting applications to PISF for development. The consultants of the program are leading Polish documentalists: Lidia Duda, Bartek Konopka and Jacek Bławut. The program's director is Adam Ślesicki. The workshops will also be run by producers Katarzyna Ślesicka and Anna Wydra as well as lawyers, specialists in promotion, preparation of trailers, research, archives, etc.
- The creators often struggle with the problem of "blank paper". Often they do not have anyone to consult their projects with - says Adam Ślesicki, director of DOC DEVELOPMENT. - I would like to create a place where in a friendly atmosphere they will be able to confront their ideas, give in to constructive criticism, knowing that sympathetic experts will listen to them, and at the same time they will work intensively on projects. We created such a model 5 years ago in DOC LAB POLAND and I see that it brings very good results. Now we want to focus also on this earlier stage, when the project is just being created, when it can still be run in different directions and make choices that will later decide on the film. DOC DEVELOPMENT assumes working with directors, but we would also like to prepare them for interviews with producers, equip them with the necessary tools for this cooperation and show the elements that later influence, for example, successful project financing. Over 50 projects submitted for selection show that the demand for such a program is high.
Warsztaty Fundacji Filmowej im. Władysława Ślesickiego w 2018 roku (archiwum)
The first edition of the program will be attended by: Karina Bedkowska, Łukasz Borowski, Aleksandra Maciejczyk, Filip Drzewiecki, Paweł Dyllus, Klaudia Folga, Julia Groszek, Ilona Laskowska-Levy, Emmanuel Levy, Eri Mizutani, Urszula Morga, Andrzej Szypulski, and Paweł Wyszomirski.
Organizatorem DOC DEVELOPMENT jest Fundacja Filmowa im. Władysława Ślesickiego, która od 2015 roku prowadzi największy w Polsce program konsultacyjno-prezentacyjny DOC LAB POLAND. Efektem dotychczasowych pięciu edycji jest ok. 120 rozwijanych lub pitchowanych projektów, z których powstało już ok. 40 filmów zdobywających laury na całym świecie. Co roku w ramach programu odbywa się ponad 300 indywidualnych spotkań koprodukcyjnych i dystrybucyjnych podczas Krakowskiego Festiwalu Filmowego. Fundacja jest także organizatorem jedynego w Polsce międzynarodowego Marketu Koprodukcyjnego na KFF (co roku ponad ok. 40 uczestniczących producentów i ok. 400 spotkań), a także programu Doc Hot Selection, w ramach którego prezentowane są najlepsze i najczęściej nagradzane polskie filmy dokumentalne ostatnich lat.
DOC DEVELOPMENT jest wsparty przez Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej, Partnerami są: Mazowiecki Instytut Kultury, Mazovia Warsaw Film Commission, Krajowa Izba Producentów Audiowizualnych i kancelaria MKZ Partnerzy.
All Information Here: