

    At one of the big­gest festivals on the world, Hot Docs in Toronto, Canada, there will be a strong represen­tation of Polish documen­tary cinema. Two Polish films will take part in the com­petition, while as much as 22 films will be shown during the film mar­ket Doc Shop 2010.

    Hot Docs is the lar­gest documen­tary film festival in the North America and plays an extremely impor­tant role in the inter­national documen­tary film industry arena. For seven­teen years this enor­mous event has been a great oppor­tunity for meeting film-​​makers, producers, distributors and film experts. Hot Docs is not only a festival during which documen­tary cinema from around the world is presen­ted. Within the frames of a widely under­stood initiative of developing the film industry, the organizers offer film fair, con­feren­ces and discus­sion panels.

    The main points of the Hot Docs festival inc­lude (apart from com­petition and non-​​competition program­mes, presen­ting the latest documen­tary films from around the world):

    - Toronto Documen­tary Forum a set of coproduc­tion meetings fol­lowed by a pit­ching ses­sions, hel­ping to develop inter­national co-​​production projects, which are at dif­ferent stages of making, by providing funds

    - Doc Shop, that is film fair in the form of digitalized library, con­taining over 1500 documen­tary films

    - Doc Shop Online - project offering all year long on-​​line access to films shown at the festival (initiative addres­sed to registered producers, distributors, profes­sionals)

    - Sales Office - that is a meeting place for people interested in buying and sel­ling the documen­tary film projects - which is the specific cen­tre of the film mar­ket

    - Inter­national Co-​​Production Day -  a day devoted to meetings of producers, interested in making inter­national projects

    At this year's festival the fol­lowing Polish documen­taries will be shown:

    - Chemo, dir. Paweł Łoziń­ski (the inter­national com­petition)

    - Six Weeks, dir. Mar­cin Janos Kraw­czyk (the inter­national com­petition)

    - War Games, dir. Dariusz Jabłoń­ski (inter­national survey of the best documen­taries )

    - A Man Came and Took Her, dir. Jędrzej Nie­strój, Rafał Przy­był ( inter­national survey of the best documen­taries)

    In addition, within the frames of Doc Shop the audience will have a chance to get acquain­ted with a wide range of Polish documen­tary films. The fol­lowing films will be presen­ted under POLISH DOCS programme:

    Six weeks, dir. Mar­cin Janos Kraw­czyk

    Chemo, dir. Pawel Lozin­ski

    The Lucky Ones, dir. Tomasz Wol­ski

    The Actors, dir. Tomasz Wol­ski

    Mother, dir. Jakub Piątek

    Where the Sun Doesn't Rush, dir. Matej Bobrik

    Andrzej Wajda: let's shoot!, dir. Mar­cin Sauter, Maciej Cuske, Thierry Paladino, Piotr Stasik

    War­saw Available, dir. Karolina Bielaw­ska, Julia Rusz­kiewicz

    The Unem­ployed, dir. Nastia Tarasowa

    Fligh­tless Birds, dir. Michal Dawidowicz

    Side-​​Track, dir. Anna Kazejak

    Get­ting On, dir. Renata Gabryjel­ska

    Direc­tion: Iceland, dir. Kalina Alabrudzin­ska

    Agor Dromesko (At the End of Way), dir. Jedrzej Baczyk

    Chasm, dir. Woj­ciech Kasper­ski

    Beautiful Misun­der­stan­ding, dir. Pawel Fer­dek

    The Way, dir. Grzegorz Kor­czak

    Hen­ryk Musialowicz. MAN
    , dir. Anna Blasz­czyk, Robert Kielak

    Good mor­ning, Lenin!, dir. Kon­rad Szolaj­ski

    Nowhere Blues, dir. Bar­tosz War­was

    The Dog Hill, dir. Grzegorz Zariczny

    Lit­tle Bride, dir. Leslaw Dobrucki

    It is notewor­thy that Polish films have enjoyed popularity at that festival. In recent years, the Hot Docs audience had an oppor­tunity to watch, among others, short-​​length documen­taries by young film-​​makers - "Rendez-​​​​vous" by Mar­cin Janos Kraw­czyk, "By the River" by Mag­dalena Kowal­czyk, "52 per­cent" by Rafał Skal­ski or "Cup­board" by Jacob Dam­mas, and last year "Rab­bit a la Ber­lin " by Bar­tek Konopka was recognised as the best middle-​​length film of the festival, and this award began the series of the film's suc­ces­ses.

    More infor­mation on the website www​.hot​docs​.ca