
You wish to participate to Sunny Side Pitch session? Please send us your projects before April 20th!

    Best International Projects Showcase (aka the BIPS)

    For the 2nd year, Sunny Side of the Doc is organizing the BIPS:


    How to be selected ?

    If you have a project with a strong international potential, send it over to us before the 20th of April at international@sunnysideofthedoc.com

    36 projects (6 projects per theme) will be selected for the pitch sessions.


    History - Sponsored by History Channel

    Science & Environment

    Politics & Social Issues - Sponsored by YLE

    Arts & Culture

    And for the first time this year:

    The Under 30's Pitch

    Cross-Media Content - produced by Sunny Side & DocAgora (see information below) confirmed pitch teams will be offered the OPTIONAL opportunity to connect via live online video link to an external expert, character or partner , off-site.

    Terms of selection to pitch a project at Sunny Side of the Doc:

    The project must be at the "development" stage;

    The theme has to have a strong international / universal potential;

    You have to have at least one confirmed business partner (channel / distributor / regional funding / Found / NGO /other ) - no minimum percentage funding.

    The projects must be sent with the following elements:

    Synopsis - maximum 1 page in English;

    Financial plan and budget -maximum 1 page in English (financers' names and contacts);

    Bio of the author and the producer -maximum 1 page in English. (3 pages maximum in total)

    Prizes for the best BIPS!

    Sunny Side will award six 2 000 euros prizes, one in each BIPS category.

    These prizes (and our recognition) will be given to the producers for the development of future projects.

    Award recipients should credit Sunny Side's support at the end of their films.

    Cross media pitch session

    DocAgora and Sunny Side of the Doc are co-producing the Cross Media Pitch Session for the 2010 Sunny Side of the Doc BIPS. We're looking for the best new cross media documentary projects to be presented to an international panel of docmedia decision makers. If you have a project you would like to pitch at Sunny Side of the Doc, please send your project proposal and any accompanying material to sunnysideprojects@docagora.org for consideration before April 20th, 2010.

    To be eligible, your project proposal should meet the following criteria:

    The project must be at the "development" stage;

    The theme has to have a strong international / universal potential;

    You have to have at least one confirmed business partner (channel / distributor / regional funding / Found / NGO /other ) - no minimum percentage funding.

    The projects must be sent with the following elements:

    Synopsis - maximum 1 page in English ;

    Financial plan and budget - maximum 1 page in English (financiers' names and contacts);

    Bio of the author and the producer - maximum 1 page in English. (3 pages maximum in total)

    The Synopsis section of the the proposal should include:

    Project Title - the official or working title of the project

    Project Log Line - a one sentence description of the project

    Project Description - 1-3 Paragraph description of the project

    Project Themes - a list of subject themes this project addresses

    Project Status - a short statement on the project status, including the stage of development and production plan.


    The central component of each project submission CAN be a pitch deck - a powerpoint or similar presentation which clearly defines the subject, approach, and goals of the project. While this style of project scoping and presentation document is an industry standard in most interactive development, it isn't commonly used in the pitch / development of interactive docmedia projects. The DocAgora and Sunnyside aim to transition our community towards this approach to developing and presenting this kind of information so that it is easily understood by external partners, and so that a common language for communicating these ideas can be established.

    If you have questions about your submission, feel free to email us: sunnysideprojects@docagora.org and we'll do our best to help you determine if your project is eligible and how to present it.


    Sunny Side of the Doc,

    Résidence le Gabut,

    Bâtiment E,

    16 rue de l'Aimable Nanette,

    17000 La Rochelle France

    www.sunnysideofthedoc.com > contact@sunnysideofthedoc.com