FNE is Interactive. Send your press releases to press.release [at] filmneweurope.com

Grand Jury Prize-43th Nashville Film Festival to Slovenian film A Trip

Great news from Nashville: Grand Jury Prize + awards for both main actors! “A Trip (Izlet),” director Nejc Gazvoda’s story of the tension and conflict that arises when high school friends try to recapture their youth with a trip to the seaside, wowed the New Directors Competition jury, guided by…

FNE at Cyprus Film Days 2012: 10th International Film Festival

The 10th International Film Festival ‘Cyprus Film Days 2012' was concluded on Sunday April 29th, with simultaneous screenings in Limassol and Nicosia and with the award ceremony at the Rialto Theatre, in Limassol. In Limassol, at the Rialto Theatre, the award winning film ‘We need to talk about Kevin', by…

DOK.Incuba​tor award

DOK.Incubator: New workshop aimed at distribution and rough cut announces its awardPrague: Award for greatest progress in the film development during the workshop - video post-production services in value of 1.500 Eur by Avion - will be given to one of eight workshop projects.DOK.Incubator is a new initiative aiming to…


Docstories Black Sea is a unique training initiative of IDFA, IDFAcademy, Art-Doc and the Noosfera Foundation, focusing on documentary storytelling. The workshop deals with different techniques of building a storyline, with innovative dramaturgical structures, new TV formats and web documentaries. Internationally renowned tutors and experts will train 15 selected participants…

Czech Participation at 2012 Festival de Cannes

Prague, April 30, 2012 – Director Michaela Pavlátová is the second confirmed Czech producer to participate in the official programme of the Cannes International Film Festival. Her animated film Tram, a Czech-French co-production, will be presented in the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs selection. Czech cinematography will be represented at the approaching…

Estonia is celebratin​g the 100th birthday of Estonian Film

PRESS RELEASEEstonian Film 10028.04.2012 Estonian Filmwill celebrate its 100th birthday on 30 April 2012. In order tohonour this special event, the spectacular Estonian Film Celebration of theCentury will take place in Tartu, the birthplace of Estonian filmmaking. Therewill be a live broadcast of the anniversary celebrations on the EstonianNational Television.…

ScriptEast: Strip your script. Make it better. We will take it worldwide

ScripTeast is a program designed for experienced screenwriters from Eastern Europe. It helps develop scripts, as well as improves participants’ networking and marketing skills, introducing them to the European film industry and market. Now Accepting Applications for 7th edition (2012-2013) More information about the application process and the program on…

New Czech Films US Tour 2012

New Czech Films US Tour 2012 In the year of its 10th anniversary celebration, the Czech Film Centre (ČFC) is significantly enriching its activities focused on continuous support and presentation of Czech cinematography, especially abroad. One key event in late spring and early summer is a US tour of current…

Only one week left to feed The Dragon with your ideas..!

Dear Filmmaker, There’s only one week left to submit projects of documentary films to Dragon Forum Pitching! The event will take place during the Krakow Film Festival, from May, 30th till June, 3rd . Considering the fact that the year 2012 is celebrated as Chinese Year of Dragon and it…

SPI acquires Audrey Tatou’s new romantic comedy

In La Delicatesse Nathalie, portrayed by the French superstar Audrey Tatou (Da Vinci’s Code, Amelie), a beautiful, happy, and successful Parisian business executive finds herself suddenly widowed after a three-year marriage to her soul mate. To cope with her loss, she buries herself and her emotions in her work to…


FILM SPRING OPEN 2012 FILM SPRING CHANNEL on YOU TUBE. We are very happy to announce that we have just launched Film Spring Channel on YouTube, where the viewers will be able to see the effects of this year's Film Spring Open-Air 2012. www.youtube.com/user/filmspringopen Thanks to our making-of team from…

Polish-Swedish “The Big Leap” starts shooting in Warsaw

The shooting of „The Big Leap”, a Polish-Swedish co-production by Kristoffer Rus, will start on the 15th of April in the newly-opened ATM Studio in Warsaw. The film starring Tilly Scott Pedersen („Dark Horse”, dir. Dagur Kári), Gustaf Skarsgård („The way back”, dir. Peter Weir) and Arkadiusz Jakubik („The wedding”,…

Second session of Dragon Forum is coming!

Second session of the International Academy of the Document Dragon Forum, devoted to topics connected with documentary film production, is to start at the 11th of April. Participants will develop the production side of their projects. Session will take place in The Mazovia Region Centre of Culture and Art in…


MEDIA Mundus backing confirmed for joint programme by EFP, OMDC and TIFF Successful PRODUCERS LAB TORONTO to be continued at 2012 Toronto International Film Festival Crossing the Atlantic with their luggage full of cinematic ideas, 12 hand-picked and dynamic European producers will meet their 12 talented Canadian counterparts at the…

Ex Oriente Film 2012 - Submission deadline April 20

Ex Oriente Film 2012 Application deadline: April 20 Apply for Ex Oriente Film and attend the year-long workshop to develop your creative documentary project. Submissions are now open for Ex Oriente Film 2012, the year-long international workshop supporting the development and funding of creative documentary films from Central and Eastern…


27.04 – 06.05.2012 Krakow, Poland Registration is open till March 31st 2012. It has been seven years thanks to the initiative of Slawomir Idziak filmmakers from Poland and Europe meet to develop their ideas and make films to learn new technologies. In 2012 for the second time it will take…


goEast Young ScreenThe Festival Programme for Children and AdolescentsThe twelfth edition of goEast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Film from the 18th until the 24th of April, hosted by Deutsches Filminstitut, offers a special programme for the young audience. Besides the films screened during the goEast School Film…

Online portal DAFilms.com launches a new project for fans of the film

Filip Remunda gives Film lecture on the Internet Want to know how famous and controversial films like Czech Dream and Czech Peace were made? Do you want to to see all the films directed by Filip Remunda? All this available inunique series of lectures by leading European documentary filmmakers called…


Polish film is highly represented in this year's Festival Programme: We are very proud to present ROZA by Wojciech Smarzowski in our feature film competition and TONIA I JEJ DZIECI by Marcel Lozinski in the documentary film competition. The competition at goEast Festival of Central and Eastern European Film will…

Iron Sky will premiere in theaters around the world.

Finnish-German-Australian dark science fiction comedy Iron Sky is taking over the world. Distribution rights for the much hyped film have been sold to more than 70 countries. The deals put the film on minimum of 1000 screens around the world. A detailed list of coming and confirmed release dates will…