SKOPJE: FNE spoke with Gorast Cvetkovski, the president of the Macedonian Game Developers Association – MAGDA, about their current activities, as well as the state of the Macedonian game development industry.

SKOPJE: FNE spoke with Gorast Cvetkovski, the president of the Macedonian Game Developers Association – MAGDA, about their current activities, as well as the state of the Macedonian game development industry.

SKOPJE: Kaymak by Academy Award-nominated Macedonian film director Milcho Manchevski is a domestic success in North Macedonia with over 16,000 admissions after three weeks in cinemas. The Macedonian/Danish/Dutch/Croatian coproduction released on 14 November 2022 topped the Macedonian charts in its first three weeks of distribution.

SKOPJE: Macedonian director/writer Dimitar Orovcanec is currently in postproduction with his debut feature Blue Orange / Sin portokal (working title Kill the Children First), which is estimated to be finished in 2023.

SKOPJE: New Disney+ miniseries Atatürk will premiere on 29 October 2023 on the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the Turkish republic. The six-episode series was shot for four weeks (October - November 2022 in North Macedonia), at locations in and near Bitola, Resen, and Skopje.

SKOPJE: Films from North Macedonia, Romania and Montenegro have received funding from the South Eastern Europe Cinema Network (SEE Cinema Network) in the amount of 9,000 EUR each for development of feature-length projects.

SKOPJE: Macedonian production company Riefenstahl released the first season of the teen TV series Teen Camp directed by Marko Gjokovik. The first episode of the spin-off of the popular TV show Dajte muzika premiered on MRT1 on 15 October 2022 and airs every Saturday and Sunday at 20.15 CET.

SKOPJE: Macedonian TV revenues reached their highest point in the last five years in 2021. Commercial and public broadcasters generated total revenues of approximately 43 m EUR / 2,644 m MKD, representing an increase of around 12% compared to 2020.

SKOPJE: The Turkish/German/Danish/Polish Anatolian Leopard / Anadolu Leopari by Emre Kayiş received the Best Film Award in the main competition of the 7th KineNova IFF, which took place in Skopje 7 - 14 October 2022. The Best Artistic Achievement Award went to Croatian/Serbian The Uncle / Stric directed by David Kapac and Andrija Mardešić.

SKOPJE: Eight titles have been selected for the Official Competition of the KineNova International Film Festival, whose 7th edition will be held 7 – 14 October 2022. The programme includes films from Romania, Poland and Serbia among others.