Escort is a modern blend of black comedy drama and crime thriller, following the story of a commercial producer who ends up in trouble after spending a night with a sex worker. The end of filming is scheduled for 22 November. The premiere is expected for mid-2022, in time for the Pula Film Festival.
The film was financed by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre on all stages, including 532,500 EUR / 4m HRK for production and an additional 80,000 EUR / 600,000 HRK for production that could not be completed in time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Co-funding was granted by the Croatian Radiotelevision, the North Macedonia Film Agency and the Kosovo Cinematography Center.
Production Information:
Hrvoje Pervan
Kinorama (Croatia)
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Tomi Salkovski
Skopje Film Studio (North Macedonia)
Fatmir Spahiu
Buka Production (Kosovo)
Director: Lukas Nola
Scriptwriters: Lukas Nola
DoP: Frane Pamić
Cast: Živko Anočić, Hrvojka Begović, Krešimir Mikić, Nikša Butijer, Igor Kovač, Hrvoje Barišić