
TVP Launches Call for TV Series


    WARSAW: Polish public broadcaster TVP launched a new search aimed at finding original series ideas for its channels.

    The broadcaster informed FNE, that the launch of the search was preceded by a detailed analysis of the current schedules and programme offers on TVP channels in order to create genre categories fitting the needs of each channel.

    TVP is holding a public call for TV series projects until 5 July 2016. In this initial stage, the authors of the projects need to meet formal requirements, which include introduction of the story-line, a treatment of six episodes and scripts for two full episodes. The call is open for individuals as well as production companies and all projects will be treated equally. After this stage the projects will be given to a group of experts including representatives of the artistic and film community and representatives of culture institutions, who will assign point and written evaluations to each project.

    The authors of the projects will have a chance to pitch their projects to TVP and once the best series idea for each category is chosen, the broadcaster will sign development deals with authors of the projects. Once the development stage is successful, the series will go into production.

    The search for new content is one of the new strategies introduced in TVP by the new authorities led by Jacek Kurski. According to Nielsen Measurements TVP's portfolio noted a 10% drop since the beginning of 2016 in the commercial group (16-49) and 7% in the overall audience.