His new project Sorry, Poland is a satirical comedy-drama produced by Gosia Sandecka, Olga Szymanska and Zuza Hencz for Magnet Man Film. The 1.2 m EUR film has already lined up a post-production partner Chimney Poland and received development funding and awards from the Polish Film Institute, the Baumi Script Development Award and ScripTeast.
The film is in the stage of late development and the producers will apply for Polish funding in spring.
The main character is a 40-year-old untalented dancer, who goes on tour to Asia to find himself. The producers are looking for an Asian partner for shooting in Taiwan, Korea or Japan, as well as European coproducers, financers, sales agents and distributors. Sandecka told FNE that some of the roles are already cast, but the film needs an international actress to play the dance mistress of the company. Production is planned for late 2018.
Czekaj’s 2015 feature debut film Baby Bump (Balabusta Film) premiered in Venice. Magnet Man Film’s 2015 production Demon by Marcin Wrona is currently being developed for a US remake. The company is returning to the Polish market after a break to regroup, following the unexpected death of Wrona in 2015.
Directed by Kuba Czekaj
Writer: Kuba Czekaj
Producers: Gosia Sandecka, Olga Szymanska, Zuza Hencz