Chişu’s 80 minute film in the style of Adrian Sitaru is seen from the point of view of a man (who the audience never sees) undergoing a midlife crisis and the love triangle with his wife and mistress. The character was “played” by the director himself who wore the camera mounted on a custom-made helmet.
“Assuming a POV-only perspective intends to provide the viewer with the details of daily mechanical gestures that we are no longer aware of, or the manner in which we react in dramatic or extreme situations merely by shifting our eyes. In fact, the film attempts to provide an introspective into a man’s life, drawing his portrait without ever showing him in ways other than in his relationship with the lover, mother or wife, or by seeing what he sees,” Chişu said.
Chişu wrote the script and is the DoP together with Andrei Gheorghe.
Chişu produced the film through DaKINO Production in coproduction with Watch Me Production and with Diud Film as associate producer. The 136,000 EUR film was financed from private sources and HBO Romania.
It was shot in the summer of 2011 and winter 2011/2012. “We rehearsed for 20 days and shot in 12 days, mostly from 5 or 6.30 a.m.,” Chişu told FNE. The film was invited to KVIFF Works in Progress for sales and distribution.
Production Information
DaKINO Productions
15 Nicolae Turnescu St.
Et. 1, Ap. 4,
Bucharest, 5th District, 050467
Dan Chişu, phone: +40 722 408 140
Watch Me Production
34 Teodosie Rudeanu St.
Bucharest, Romania
Codin Maticiuc’s phone: +40 722 587 057
Diud Film
Str. NicolaeTurnescu 15, et. 1, ap. 4, Bucuresti, Sectorul 5
Phone: +40 735 069 207
Director: Dan Chişu
Script: Dan Chişu
DoP: Dan Chişu
Andrei Gheorghe
Editor: Eugen Kelemen
Cast: Ioana Flora
Mirela Oprişor
Anca Alexandrescu
Gabriel Răuţă
Tudor Smoleanu