PRODUCTION: Agon in development

BUCHAREST: Albanian director Robert Budina is in development with an Albanian-French-Greek-Romanian co-production which he plans to start shooting in October 2011.

PRODUCTION: Child Miner in Production

BUCHAREST: Director/screenwriter Alexandra Gulea is shooting her first feature Child-Miner (Copil-miner) in Romania until the end of March. Shooting started on 16 February 2011 and will wrap at the end…

PRODUCTION: Child Miner in Production

BUCHAREST: Director/screenwriter Alexandra Gulea is shooting her first feature Child-Miner (Copil-miner) in Romania until the end of March. Shooting started on 16 February 2011 and will wrap at the end…

PRODUCTION: The Edge of Happiness in Development

BUCHAREST: Romanian director Ruxandra Zenide (Ryna) is currently developping her second feature, The Edge of Happiness, the story of a girl, Felicia, who arrives in Geneva in the autumn of…

PRODUCTION: The Edge of Happiness in Development

BUCHAREST: Romanian director Ruxandra Zenide (Ryna) is currently developping her second feature, The Edge of Happiness, the story of a girl, Felicia, who arrives in Geneva in the autumn of…

Romtelecom Launches Dolce TV Online

BUCHAREST: After launching its first specialized channel, Dolce Sport ( last year, Romtelecom ( launched the first online video integrate portal in Romania on 9 March 2011.

Morgen wins Romanian Filmmakers Union Prize

BUCHAREST: Marian Crişan's Morgen, Călin Peter Netzer's Medal of Honor/Medalia de onoare and Florin Şerban's If I Want To Whistle, I Whistle/Eu când vreau să fluier, fluier shared the top…

Romania Sets New Dates for Digital TV

BUCHAREST: The Ministry of Communications ( has set the move to the terestrial digital television should to begin on 1 January 2013. The proposal was submitted for public debate at…

PRODUCTION: New Shooting Schedule for Puzzle for a Blind Man

BUCHAREST: Romanian director Andrei Zincă is expected to start shooting the adaptation of Argentinian playwright Mario Diament's Blind Datein May-June 2011, Bogdan Moncea, Marketing Manager of Castel Film ( told…

New Manager at Romania’s Kanal D

BUCHAREST: Haluk Kurcer has replaced Hatice Kolat as the general manager of the channel Kanal D ( Kolat had run the channel since February 2007, with a mandate until 2011.…

Romtelecom Buys Boom TV

Romania's Romtelecom has acquired DTH Television Grup at a price of 8 million euro. The purchase, which was finalized in late February, includes the digital satellite station Boom TV.

PRODUCTION: September 11 in Preparation

BUCHAREST: Italian director Renzo Martinelli is preparing September 11, his second collaboration with the Romania's Castel Film ( starring American actor Harvey Keitel. Martinelli previously worked with Castel Film on…

PRODUCTION: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance Finishes Shooting in Romania

BUCHAREST: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance wrapped shooting on 23 February 2011 in Romania where it was filmed for all but two weeks of shooting in Turkey. The first big…

PRODUCTION: Christmas at Castlebury Hall Will Shoot in Romania

BUCHAREST: American director Michael Damian is in Bucharest where he will shoot his feature Christmas at Castlebury Hall, a romantic comedy about a young woman and her orphaned nephews who…

PRODUCTION: 365 New Years in Development

BUCHAREST: Paul Negoescu is developing his first feature, 365 New Years/365 de revelioane (working title), the story of a young man breaking up with his girlfriend on New Years Eve.…

FESTIVALS: FIAPF Accredits Transilvania Film Festival

BERLIN: The General Assembly of the International Federation of Film Producers' Associations (FIAPF), meeting in Berlin, approved the accreditation of the Transilvania International Film Festival (TIFF) in 2011. TIFF was…

PRODUCTION: Flying Lessons in Postproduction

BUCHAREST: Igor Cobileanski (Tache) is currently editing his second feature, Flying Lessons/La limita de jos a cerului, a bittersweet drama about the friendship of two small-time drug dealers in a…

PRODUCTION: Adalbert's Dream in Postproduction

BUCHAREST: Gabriel Achim is currently in postproduction with his first feature Adalbert's Dream, a black comedy set on 8 May 1986, when Romania was usually celebrating the anniversary of the…

PRODUCTION: Looking For A Mare's Nest in Postproduction

BUCHAREST: Dan Chişu's third feature, Looking for a Mare's Nest/Şi caii sunt verzi pe pereţi, is currently in post-production and will be finished in March 2011, in time to be…

New Regulations for Gopo Film Awards

BUCHAREST: A record 56 films have been submitted for the 5th edition of the Romanian Gopo prizes ( Among them 16 are feature films, 10 documentaries and 30 short films…