Poland Announces First 2012 Film Grants

{mosimage}The Polish Film Institute (www.pisf.pl) announced over 31 million PLN (7.5 million euros) in film funding for the first grants round of 2012. Among the 11 films receiving funding is…
08-03-2012 m

Malta Promotes Film Industry in India

Building on its burgeoning film service industry, the government of Malta has begun promoting the country as a filmmaking destination to India's film industry.

Slovenia Faces EU Warning

Declining competition in the area of digital TV multiplexes in Slovenia has drawn warnings from the European Commission.

Nielsen Wins Polish Tender

WARSAW: The international audience research firm Nielsen was awarded the tender to create a TV audience measurement panel in Poland.

FESTIVALS: New Horizons Plans Third Workshop

{mosimage}The third New Horizons Studio is scheduled for 23-26 July 2012, during the 12the edition of the New Horizons IFF (www.nowehoryzonty.pl) in Wrocław.

PRODUCTION: Free in Production

ZAGREB: Vlatka Vorkapic is shooting Free, a 50 minute documentary for the Croatian company FADE IN Production (www.fadein.hr).

Transilvania Competes for Animation Distributor of the Year

{mosimage}It will be competing with France's Pathe Distribution and Belgium's Cinéart,. The winner will be announced on 9 March 2012 at the conclusion of the 14th Cartoon Movie animation coproduction…

Finland Announces Film Grants

The Finnish Film Foundation will give 1,805,000 euros in production funding to three feature-length films.

Special London Event for Majewski’s The Mill and the Cross

{mosimage}Lech Majewski's Breugel-inspired film The Mill and the Cross will receive a special screening as a companion piece to a film installation exhibit at the National Gallerie in London.

Malta Prepares Production Directory

The Malta Film Commission announced it will publish a national online film production resource directory.

PRODUCTION: New Georgian Ukrainian German coproduction set to shoot in summer 2012

BERLIN: A new Georgian Ukrainian German coproduction Ursus the Caucasian Brown Bear is set to shoot in the Ukraine and Georgia in July and August of 2012. The 3.3m USD…
05-03-2012 m

Georgia Gives Grants to Three Films

{mosimage}TIBLISI: The Georgian National Film Center (www.gnfc.ge) announced 400,000 euros in financing for three full-length feature films in 2012.

FNE at Czech Lions 2012: Poupata dominates Czech Lions Awards

{mosimage}PRAGUE: Poupata (Flower Buds) directed by Zdenek Jirasky dominated the annual Czech Lions awards (3 March 2012) winning awards for Best Film and Best Director as well as picking up…

FNE IDF DocBloc: Success Assured: Polish Documentaries in 2011

Polish Docs, an initiative organized by the Polish Film Institute and the Krakow Film Foundation, has published a report with the summary of Polish documentary releases, awards and festival screenings.…

Georgia Funds Two Coproductions

{mosimage}TIBLISI: Parajanov and Brother have won 2012 Co-Production Competition of the Georgian National Film Center (www.gnfc.ge).

Polish Film Academy announces Lifetime Award

{mosimage}WARSAW: Members of the Polish Film Academy decided to recognize Janusz Majewski for his life's work. A special press conference was held by the Polish Film Academy in Warsaw on…

PRODUCTION: The Painted Bird in Development

PRAGUE: Czech producer/director Vaclav Marhoul is adapting the bestselling novelThe Painted Bird, by Polish-American authorJerzy Kosinski.

Equity Investment Course Opens Applications

{mosimage}A new equity investment training course, Closing The Gap (www.closing-the-gap.net), is accepting applications for its next session.

FNE at Czech Lions 2012: Vaclav Havel’s Leaving dominated nominations

{mosimage}PRAGUE: Vaclav Havel’s Leaving has dominated the nominations for the annual Czech Lions awards which will be held this Saturday 3 March 2012. The film was the first and only…
29-02-2012 m

Polish 3D animation The Game wins two top awards

{mosimage}WARSAW: Polish director Marcin Janiec’s animated 3D short The Game has won two prestigious international awards. The short film about a life and death chess battle took Best of Show…
29-02-2012 m