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Tricks will open Warsaw FF Oct. 12-21

TRICKS will open the Warsaw Film Festival Oct. 12 Warsaw, September 8th, 2007 TRICKS by Andrzej Jakimowski, awarded at Venice September 8, will open the 23rd Warsaw International Film Festival on Friday, October 12. TRICKS got two awards: the Europa Cinemas Label, given by a Jury of European exhibitors, and…

Warsaw Jewish Film Festival Nov. 8-13

The 5th edition of Warsaw Jewish Film Festival since 2003 will take place in SILVERSCREEN PULAWSKA and in ILUZJON CINEMAS in Warsaw, Poland, on Nov. 8 - 13, 2007 and is dedicated to Mr Andrzej Wajda, whose films will be screened during the Festival. The latest masterpiece of Mr. Wajda…

Llubljana International Film Festival Nov. 7-21

{mosimage} The Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe) is a specialised competitive festival that: COMPENSATES FOR: the Slovenian cinematic insufficiency of first-rate auctorial films; FEATURES: an overview of choice contemporary world film production ; INFORMS: domestic audiences of films which received important awards at major European or world festivals; UNVEILS: highly…

Go Young Generation at Scanorama FF Nov. 9-29

Co-production and master class forum Go Young Generation - is the way for the young directors to find partners for their production, discuss them, and foresee the possibilities of its realization. Master class will be exclusively held by young directors and producers, whose first attempts in filmmaking were successful, -…

Crossing Europe at Scanorama FF Nov. 9-29

The idea of the present project was produced during the visit in Linz while discussing the possibilities of cooperation with Linz festival "Crossing Europe", which presents a wide spectrum of Central and Eastern European films. Then a decision to exchange the programmes, prepared by "Crossing Europe" and the Nordic Film…