The story follows Janina Duszejko, a former engineer, astrologist and a vegetarian living in a small village in the Sudeten Mountains who stumbles on the dead body of a poacher who has died a mysterious death. There are traces of deer hooves around his house. As the story progresses, dead bodies of various local VIPs are also discovered. All of them were hunters, suggesting they were murdered by wild animals seeking vengeance.
The Death's Cold Hand is a Polish-German coproduction from Studio Filmowe TOR ( and á Jour Film –Und Fernsehproduktions Gmbh. The project received a development grant of 58,700 EUR from the European MEDIA Programme and funding from the Polish-German Co-Development Fund (,, The total budget is expected to be about 3m EUR.
Holland plans to work with her In Darkness cinematographer Jolanta Dylewska.
Production Information
Studio Filmowe TOR
Puławska 61
02-595 Warszawa
Phone number: (48 22) 845-53-03
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.