FNE Warsaw AV Summit Country Profile: Romania

Romania continued to garner international acclaim for domestic production despite a gap in funding, which is likely to affect the quantity of Romanian films coming onto the market in the…

CNC Resets Grants Deadline

BUCHAREST: Following a protest by filmmakers, the Council of Administration of the National Centre of Cinema set the deadline for grant contest applications to 23 December 2013.

Romania Appoints New Minister of Culture

BUCHAREST: Romania’s National Liberal Party (PNL) has assigned Gigel Sorinel Ştirbu to the post of Minister of Culture. He replaces Daniel Barbu who resigned on 12 December 2013.

GRANTS: Bulgaria Supports Three Romanian Projects

The Bulgarian National Film Center has selected three Romanian projects for minority co-production support: Nae Caranfil’s 6.9 on the Richter Scale, produced by Christian Mungiu’s Mobra Films, Tudor Giurgiu's Christian,…

Romanian Filmmakers Protest Funding Delay

BUCHAREST: Leading Romanian filmmakers are urging the president-general director of the National Centre of Cinema to annul the decision to postpone until 14 February 2014 the deadline of application for…

Resignations at Romanian Culture Ministry and Public TV

BUCHAREST: Daniel Barbu, Romania’s Minister of Culture, resigned on 12 December 2013 after a public statement in which he noted that the budget of the HIV/AIDS programme is half of…

EFA Honoree Solomon Crafts Strong Film Slate

BUCHAREST: Romanian producer Ada Solomon, fresh from receiving the European Co-production Award - Prix Eurimages at the 26th European Academy Awards in Berlin, spoke with FNE about her upcoming film…

Bulgarian Romanian Coproduction Selected for Sundance

Viktoria, a debut feature film from Maya Vitkova, will be the first Bulgarian film screening in the World Competition of the Sundance film festival.

FNE Europa Cinemas: Cinema of the Month: Cinema Studio, Bucharest

This month FNE speaks with Valentin Burlacu, the manager of Cinema Studio, one of the most important art house cinemas in Bucharest.

Romania Announces Two Grants Sessions in 2014

BUCHAREST: The National Centre for Cinema will hold two sessions for production grants, with the contests open on 12 May and 12 November 2014.

Romanian filmmakers win battle over funding of cinemas

BUCHAREST: The Romanian government has stepped back from a controversial plan that would have drained money from film production funding to pay for state owned cinemas, after protests by Romanian…

Romanian Film Promotion Launches VOD Platform

BUCHAREST: Three film lessons on Lucian Pintilie and Tudor Giurgiu’s Love Sick are among the highlights of the newly released free VOD from Romanian Film Promotion.

PRODUCTION: The Last Incubus in Postproduction

BUCHAREST: Distributor InterComFilm Romania has already started a promotional campaign marketing Ovidiu Georgescu's The Last Incubus as the first Romanian magic realism film, well in advance of its 14 February…

Eurimages Awards Ada Solomon

Romanian producer Ada Solomon will receive the Co-production Award - Prix EURIMAGES at the 7 December 2013 European Film Awards Ceremony in Berlin.

Romania Triples Film Funding

BUCHAREST: The National Centre for Cinema will give out 6.7 m EUR/30m RON in the first session of the grants contest in 2013, which opened on 13 November, which is…

FNE at Connecting Cottbus 2013 Seventeen Seconds

COTTBUS: Romanian husband-and-wife directing/producing team Andrei Cretulescu and Codruta Cretulescu presented their love-triangle-with-a-twist project Seventeen Seconds at the 15th edition of Connecting Cottbus.

Romanian filmmakers protest changes to funding and cinemas

BUCHAREST: Romanian filmmakers are protesting a bill which they claim will give 50 percent of the Film Fund to local councils for the renovation of old cinema theatres and the…

PRODUCTION: Jane Seymour Arriving in Romania for Love by Design

BUCHAREST: Director Michael Damian is in production with Love by Design a romantic comedy featuring the British-born international star Jane Seymour. The film is produced by Solar Indie Junction, a…

Romanian and France Sign Film Declaration

BUCHAREST: Romania’s National Centre for Cinema and France’s Le Centre National du Cinéma et de l'image animée signed a joint declaration on 29 October 2013, promising regular communication and the…

Porumboiu’s Metabolism sold to USA

BUCHAREST: When Evening Falls on Bucharest or Metabolism/Când se lasă seara peste Bucureşti sau Metabolism was sold by Wild Bunch to Cinema Guild.