
Pluto Film Acquires Slovak/German Summer Rebels

    Summer Rebels by Martina Saková Summer Rebels by Martina Saková photo: Silverart

    BRATISLAVA: The sales company Pluto Film has picked up the feature debut of Slovak filmmaker Martina Saková, Summer Rebels / Letní rebeli. The Slovak/German coproduction for children had been selected for the main competitions of several world festivals before the coronavirus crisis started.

    “Prior to the Slovak premiere, which was originally scheduled for June 2020, we had a confirmed world premiere at the largest Scandinavian children's film festival BUFF in Malmö and participation in the main competition at six other world film festivals, including Kristiansand (Norway), Goldener Spatz (Germany) and Giffoni (Italy). Most of these festivals will take place on alternate autumn dates. Summer festival premieres of our film will be announced soon. In the meantime, we are receiving confirmations of selection from other world festivals. The new date of the Slovak premiere is still under discussion,” producer Katarína Krnáčová from Silverart told FNE.

    The film tells the story of a young boy Jonas, who wants to visit his cool grandpa for a summer of fun on the river. But his mom has other plans. Undeterred, Jonas takes off on an adventure of his own in this luminous and lighthearted tale of rebellion, friendship, catastrophe and ultimately redemption.

    Summer Rebels is produced by Slovakia’s Silverart and Germany‘s Projector23, in coproduction with RTVS. The film is supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Board of Trustees for Young German FilmCreative Europe-MEDIABKM and DFFF.

    Production information:

    Silverart (Slovakia)
    Projector23 (Germany)

    RTVS (Slovakia)

    Director: Martina Saková
    Screenplay: Martina Saková, Silke Schulz
    DOP: Jieun Yi
    Edit: Martin Herold
    Music: Paul Eisenach
    Set Design: Miriam Struhárová, Marcus Göppner
    Costumes: Miriam Struhárová
    Sound: Alexander Bori, Ján Krnáč
    Cast: Pavel Nový, Eliáš Vyskočil, Szidi Tobias, Liana Pavlíková, Kaya Marie Möller, Jana Oľhová