A descendant of today's humans wanders through a polluted landscape, seeking a way to save the planet after we have poisoned it and its conditions are no longer suitable for life. A possible solution is found in harnessing the abilities of fungi and other microorganisms to decompose dangerous chemical compounds that have permeated us and everything around us.
„The production, which started in September 2023 and is planned until December 2024, is taking place in three locations: the Chemko Strážske chemical plant and its surroundings, Bratislava and Village Predajná and surroundings,“ producer Anna Mach Rumanová from Filmsomnia told FNE.
Wasteland Chronicles is produced by Slovak Filmsomnia in coproduction with Czech Cinémotif Films and the Radio and Television of Slovakia.
The estimated budget of 203,270 EUR is supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Czech Film Fund and the Radio and Television of Slovakia.
The completion of the film is planned for the Autumn of 2024.
Film Expanded will be distributing the film in Slovakia.
Production Information:
Filmsomnia (Slovakia)
Anna Mach Rumanová: annarumanova@gmail.com
Cinémotif Films (Czech Republic)
Radio and Television Slovakia
Directors: Lucia Kašová, Viera Čákanyová, Barbora Sliepková
Story: Lucia Kašová
Dramaturg: Jana Vlčková
DoPs: Maxim Kľujev, Robert Rampáček, Adam Mach
Editors: Alexandra Gojdičová, Filip de Pina