Film Europe presents Foxes in Venice

Film Europe (, SPI International's ( production and sales partner organization, is in Venice with the world premiere of Foxes from Slovak director Mira Fornay on September 9 and 10.

Two Polish films get EFA nods

Andrej Wajda's Sweet Rush and Małgośka Szumowska's 33 Scenes from Life were among the films selected for the European Film Academy's 2009 awards, giving Poland two of the coveted 48…

FNE in Venice: Romanian Film Francesca Threatened With Ban

VENICE: Venice Orizzonti opening film Francesca has had two of its public screenings pulled after Italian right wing politician Alessandra Mussolini took legal action to stop the screenings.

Slovenes mourn slain journalist

The Slovenian and international independent film community were shocked by news that film critic Nika Bohinc (1979) was slain in her home on September 1.

Production: Floating Things in postproduction

Floating Things, from writer/director Mircea Daneliuc, is in the final stages of postproduction as it prepares for its local premiere on October 23.

European grand premiere of the Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler in Gdańsk

On Monday, a gala premiere of The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler took place in Gdańsk as part of the "Solidairty of Arts" festival.

Rambo 5 heads back to Bulgaria

Sylvester Stallone's fifth Rambo opus is green lighted for filming in Bulgaria with Stallone once again teaming with Nu Image/Millennium and Sofia based Nu Boyana Film ( .

High Definition Television ignites competition between operators

Romtelecom ( ) will launch 8-10 TV channels in High Definition in the next 12 months in Romania, while UPC ( ) will launch a package of 8 channels this…

Critical Acclaim for Janosik at World premiere

Critics gave a thumbs up to Janosik, the biggest Central European co-production of the year, at a gala premiere in advance of its September 4 Warsaw opening.

Production: Looking for a Mother to be shot this autumn

Looking for a Mother, a contemporary drama of a young boy who is institutionalized after his mother leaves for Italy, will be shot in the Republic of Moldavia as a…

Czech Government reconsiders license fees

The leading Czech political party, ODS, has proposed abolishing the license fee system that funds Czech TV.

Production: Brancusi biopic in preparation

The life of the famous Romanian artist Constantin Brancusi goes on the big screen in a feature film set to premiere in 2010.

Sladecek joins TV Barrandov

Petr Sladecek has been appointed program director of TV Barrandov.

The New Romanian Cinema strikes back: Francesca to open Orizzonti section at Venice FF

Before producing Cristi Puiu's The Death of Mr Lăzărescu (2005), Bobby Păunescu didn't have any connection with the cinema business.

Village Roadshow react to drop in profits

Village Roadshow, after a 95% drop in profits, is said to be considering sale of its Czech investments.

Slovenia's Iskratel signs Ukraine deal

Leading Slovenian telecommunications supply company Iskratel announced it has been contracted to provide broadband access in the Ukraine.