Today, when the world celebrates the International Animation Day, the Animated Dreams festival proudly discloses the official selection of the International Short Animation Films Competition. The Black Nights Film Festival’s ( subfestival Animated Dreams takes place this year from 18 to 22 November in Tallinn, Estonia, in cinemas Sõprus and Artis, with special programmes in Kanuti Gildi SAAL and at the Baltic Film and Media School.

PRAGUE: Central European Media Enterprises posted increases in net revenues for both Q3 and its nine month statement, but a rising dollar ended up showing a decline for the company.

BERLIN: Polish film editor Jacek Drosio is one of six honorees who will receive awards from the European Film Academy (EFA).

RIGA: The Riga International Film Festival First Award in history went to Ukrainian director Sergei Loznitsa for his documentary The Event about a failed 1991 communist coup d’etat attempt in Moscow.

TBILISI: The Slovak film Comeback directed by Miro Remo won the main prize of the international competition at the first CineDoc IDFF at the awards ceremony on 24 October 2015.

KATOWICE: Top international producers of TV and film gathered together with film fund representatives from Estonia and Lithuania to share their experiences about development and shooting of projects in central and eastern Europe.

The Jihlava IDFF will once again bring together emerging documentary film producers from across CEE. FNE profiles six of these young filmmakers.

Film Celebrities Raise their Voices for Refugees in European Parliament and Commission – FOR A THOUSAND LIVES: BE HUMAN.

LJUBLJANA: The Beat of Love / Utrip Ljubezni debuted in tenth place in Slovenia for the week ending 21 October 2015.

PRAGUE: Gangster Ka and Wilsonov held on to the number nine and number ten slots at the Czech box office.