The North Macedonia Film Agency distributed 821,950 EUR / 50.5 m MKD for production grants for feature, short, and documentary films within the second grant call of 2021.

The Film Tax Incentive running in Lithuania for the 9th year has yet again broken the records of success – in 2021 the investment has grown significantly, the number of film projects taking advantage of it has increased, as well as the number of international film projects in Lithuania.

TRIESTE: The 33rd edition of the Trieste Film Festival, running in person this year on 21 – 30 January, has announced its prize winners. The jury of the festival dedicated to Central and Eastern European cinema gave the Trieste Award for the best feature film to Romanian Radu Muntean’s Întregalde, while the Alpe Adria Cinema Award for the best documentary went to the Croatian film Factory to the Workers by Srđan Kovačević.

The Trieste Award assigned by the jury (Edvinas Pukšta, Dubravka Lakić, Emanuela Martini) to the best feature film in competition (euro 5.000) goes to ÎNTREGALDE by Radu Muntean (Romania 2021) with the following motivation: the most unpredictable film in the International Feature Film Competition smartly changes gears bridging divergent genres and moods, convincingly blending professional actors with unforgettable local amateurs, and tensely driving us to a surprising destination of genuine tranquillity.

VALLETTA: The Malta Film Week has kicked off with its Vision for the Film Industry event, celebrating the growing Maltese film industry and presenting the Government's plans for the sector for the years to come.

Visegrad Film Forum has announced the names of the first two guests. Renowned filmmakers Jim Stark and Eddy Joseph who have collaborated with world-class directors on dozens of notorious films such as Batman, Pink Floyd: The Wall, Casino Royale or Coffee and Cigarettes will visit Bratislava to share their expertise in informal lectures. After a two-year break, the Visegrad Film Forum will take place as an on-site event on 15-19 March 2022 at the Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and at the Lumière Cinema in Bratislava.

Digital Services Act

13/01: Digital Services Act: Time to end the Digital ‘Wild West’ says Arba Kokalari – The Parliament

EPP Group Shadow Rapporteur says MEPs must seize the opportunity of upcoming DSA plenary vote to create a more innovative, competitive and safer European digital market.

Creative Europe

13/01: Creative Europe: Increased budget in 2022 to support cultural and creative sectors – European Commission

The Commission has adopted the 2022 work programme of Creative Europe, which will be followed by the launch of the relevant calls for proposals. With a budget of around €385 million, nearly €100 million more compared to 2021, Creative Europe strengthens its support to creative and cultural partners taking due account of the challenges resulting from the COVID-19 crisis and the growing global competition.

Audiovisual Media Services Directive

10/01: Updated tracking table by the European Audiovisual Observatory - EAO 

The Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) was last revised in autumn 2018. The European Commission set the deadline for transposition into national legislation as being the 19 September 2020. The following table shows the actual state of play in each EU Member State.

Intellectual Property Rights

10/01: €47 million fund to protect intellectual property of EU SMEs in their COVID-19 recovery and green and digital transitions – European Commission

The Commission and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) launched the new EU SME Fund, which offers vouchers for EU-based SMEs to help them protect their intellectual property (IP) rights.

French Presidency of the EU

07/01: Statement by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with President Macron on the presentation of the programme of activities of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU - European Commission

01/01: Programme of the Presidency -  UEFRANCE22

France has published its programme for the next six months. The programme details the priorities and guidelines for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1 January to 30 June 2022.

European Parliament

03/01: Coming up in 2022: digital issues, green transition, health - European Parliament

Digital issues, public health and the road to climate neutrality are among the main topics on Parliament's agenda for 2022. Find out what to expect.

Recent studies

EUIPO - Online Copyright Infringement in the European Union: Music, Films and TV (2017-2020), Trends and Drivers - December 2021

EAO -  Animation films and TV series in Europe - December 2021


January/February: Fourth meeting of the European Commission Stakeholders dialogue on access to and availability of audiovisual content across the EU (final date tbc)

25 January: Presidency conference on audiovisual in Angers  ““Independence in Support of Creativity” - Audiovisual and Cinema Conference” – more information here

26-27 January: JURI committee meeting

3-4 February: UNIC Cinema Days

14 February: European Commission Film Forum on sustainability and AV - more details to follow

6 months of editing, marketing & distribution tailor made for your documentary in the rough cut stage

PRAGUE: The East Doc Platform, organised by the Institute of Documentary Film and One World film festival, has announced the full selection of projects to participate in its 11th edition, running 26 March - 1 April 2022.

With the upcoming plenary vote, the European Parliament can still turn the Digital Service Act into an opportunity for the EU to play a global role in making the internet a safer space for everyone.