All the time you can still put forward a films for the fifth edition of the Film and Art Festival TWO RIVERSIDES.

Programming Department led by Grazyna Torbicka is waiting for the productions of feature films, documentary, animation and experimental, which during the first week of August will be presented to the public under the section: World Under Canvas, In The Short Run, and as the proposals of the Independent School and Amateur Short Films Competition.

The Main Prize is 3000 PLN. There would also be two Distinctions and Two Prizes of 1000 PLN.

Traditionally, the proposals in the Independent School and Amateur Short Films Competition will be judge by Independent Jury, which in June will be composed of the spectators of the festival.

Deadline for registrations is 27th May. Rules and entry form is on the

See you in Kazimierz Dolny on the Vistula and Janowiec from 30th July to 7th August.

New Horizons Association, the organizer of the Era New Horizons IFF (21-31 July 2011), is the Polish distributor of two films that made a real impact at the 61st Berlin International Film Festival - Béla Tarr's The Turin Horse and Wim Wenders' Pina.

April 2011

Haapsalu Horror Film Festival (HÕFF) brings hobos with shotguns, directors with axes and lots more fearsome fare to Estonia between 29th April and 1st May 2011.

The city of Haapsalu will play host to weekend of gruesome gore, frightening films and devilish directors and the Haapsalu Horror Film Festival stakes it claim as the only genre festival in Estonia and the premier event of its kind in the Baltic region. With 19 films from across the world, it promises to be a chaotic weekend filled to the brim with enthralling genre cinema, special guests and enthusiastic audiences.

Highlights include the two European premiere of Beyond The Black Rainbow, a complex sci-fi film about a young woman imprisoned in an experimental laboratory and the mysterious scientist who is her captor. Lauded at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival, director Panos Cosmatos' vision has been compared to that of Stanley Kubrick and Andrei Tarkovksy for his languid style and attempt to stretch the limits of cinema beyond traditional narrative. Also receiving it's European premiere is The Catechism Cataclysm, an absurdist road-movie that captured the audience's imagination at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. With a plethora of strange characters and even stranger situations, the film promises a break from the relentless onslaught of many of the other films to be screened.

Films such as Hobo With A Shotgun, which pretty much does at it promises as Rutger Hauer plays a homeless man going on a rampage for justice in a lawless town. Violent, sick and gloriously entertaining, the film is the second feature to be based on the trailers featured in Quentin Tarantino's Grindhouse (the first being Machete). Vampire fans get to enjoy Stake Land, which dispenses with the tweeness of the Twilight franchise to create an apocalyptic tale of a North America overrun by the undead that - ironically - breathes new life into the genre. British director Simon Rumley also heads to America for Red, White and Blue a grim and brutal tale of revenge that is sure to leave a lasting impression. Also look out for Hatchet 2, a relentless slasher sequel that was released unrated in the US. Starring horror icons Tony Todd (best known for his role in the Candyman films) and Kane ‘Jason Voorhees' Hodder, the film provides enough dismembered limbs and ultra-violence to keep the most bloodthirsty of fans happy.

Festival director Sten Saluveer said:
"This year's HÕFF programme shows that many quality genre films have been coming out of North America this year and shows that the inventiveness extends beyond traditional Hollywood blockbusters. We're particularly thankful to Todd Brown of - one of the premier genre sites on the web - who has aided us with programme after he visited us last year.

Festival passes are now available, priced at EUR23, whilst individual tickets go on sale on the 18th April at a price of EUR 3.50.

For full information on HÕFF - including the programme, screening locations and overnight accommodation in the city of Haapsalu - visit or

Notes for Editors

For further press information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit for information on accreditation

The festival is organized by the Municipality of Haapsalu, Haapsalu Cultural Centre and the Black Nights Film Festival.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Call for Applications for the Erasmus EuroMedia Awards 2011 is now open!
(Deadline: June 10, 2011, see the call under:

We want to invite You to join the competition honouring excellent media on Europe.
The Media can bridge gaps and foster mutual understanding for a common Europe. With the EuroMedia Awards, ESEC* offers an opportunity to bring productions with this connective ambition into the spotlight.

The EuroMedia Awards honour media productions that:
· focus on the discourse of European Societies, and/or
· relate to European Values/ European Topics, and/or
· invest ideas and ambitions in a European Public Sphere,
· and show an educational ambition with their qualitative discussions an in-depth analysis.

A number of high quality educational media products (DVDs, websites, (documentary) films, TV series, magazines) have been awarded since 1995. In 2011, a renowned jury of experts – coming from various universities in Europe - will again evaluate productions from all over Europe and honour the most outstanding ones with a prize money of 6,000 € in total, and grant additional Sponsorship Awards.
This year’s Award Ceremony will be held in Istanbul, on October 14, 2011.

Please visit our website ( for further information.
Follow us on Twitter for the latest news (

Looking forward to Your productions!

With kind regards from Vienna,
Thomas A. Bauer (ESEC president),
Katharina Oke

Erasmus EuroMedia Awards
c/o Department of Communication, University of Vienna
Berggasse 11/1/8
1090 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 1 4277 49335
Fax: +43 1 4277 49344
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
EuroMedia Awards – Promoting Excellence in the Discourse on Europe.

*ESEC: European Society for Education and Communication

Dear Friends!

The awarded films of the 18th Titanic International Film Festival were announced at the festival's closing gala on 16th April.

In his closing speech festival director György Horváth recalled the serious financial problems that the 18th Titanic International Film Festival had to cope with due the denial of government grants, told some anecdotes about the work of the crew, thanked all the sponsors and the enthusiastic audience for their help and promised that the organizers will make every effort not to allow another year like this when the financial problems forced them to launch the festival in a shorter and humbler version full of restraints and completely lacking PR-costs.

Then came the awards. First the Student Jury's decision was revealed: their award was given to the Czech-Slovak film The House. As they explained, Zuzana Liová's film received the award for its simultaneously realistic and symbolistic representation, outstanding, authentic and impressive performances and its characteristically Eastern-European approach to universal themes.

Then the results of the audience vote were revealed. The Audience Award went to Thomas Vinterberg's Submarino with an average of 4,68 points. My Perestroika came second, while the 3rd most popular film was another documentary, the Danish Armadillo.

Finally the international jury entered the stage. Elliot Grove could be present only virtually, since at the time of gala he was already back in London. He sent a short video message to the audience, reminding them that the future of Titanic International Film Festival is not in the hands of politicians but in the hands of the audience. Therefore it is them who have to make a decision to support the unique cultural value represented by Titanic.

Ági Pataki thanked the organizers for their efforts to bring about the festival despite all the difficulties, expressed her support, sympathy and hope that Titanic's success will convince the representatives of cultural politics that there is a strong cultural need for Titanic International Film Festival and it is worth supporting it year after year. Esther Rots, director of last year's Breaking Waves Award-winner Can Go Through Skin told about how excited and happy she was when she was asked to be a jury member at Titanic and said she was very impressed by the fact that the festival managed to present many daring and innovative contemporary films even though there are less and less daring and innovative pieces nowadays.

Then at last the winner of the Breaking Waves Award was announced. The international jury awarded the prestigious prize to the Swedish film Savage directed by Martin Jern and Emil Larsson. As the jury explained, they appreciated the film's unpolished and playful style and the intense feeling of hopelessness conveyed in the drama. As it is known, due to the above mentioned financial problems raised by the denial of government grants the festival organizers cannot offer the 10.000 euro going with the Breaking Waves Award this year, but hopefully the moral and prestige value of the prize will serve as kind of a compensation.

Haapsalu Horror Film Festival (HÕFF) brings hobos with shotguns, directors with axes and lots more fearsome fare to Estonia between 29th April and 1st May 2011.

The city of Haapsalu will play host to weekend of gruesome gore, frightening films and devilish directors and the Haapsalu Horror Film Festival stakes it claim as the only genre festival in Estonia and the premier event of its kind in the Baltic region. With 19 films from across the world, it promises to be a chaotic weekend filled to the brim with enthralling genre cinema, special guests and enthusiastic audiences.

Highlights include the two European premiere of Beyond The Black Rainbow, a complex sci-fi film about a young woman imprisoned in an experimental laboratory and the mysterious scientist who is her captor. Lauded at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival, director Panos Cosmatos’ vision has been compared to that of Stanley Kubrick and Andrei Tarkovksy for his languid style and attempt to stretch the limits of cinema beyond traditional narrative. Also receiving it’s European premiere is The Catechism Cataclysm, an absurdist road-movie that captured the audience’s imagination at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. With a plethora of strange characters and even stranger situations, the film promises a break from the relentless onslaught of many of the other films to be screened.

Films such as Hobo With A Shotgun, which pretty much does at it promises as Rutger Hauer plays a homeless man going on a rampage for justice in a lawless town. Violent, sick and gloriously entertaining, the film is the second feature to be based on the trailers featured in Quentin Tarantino’s Grindhouse (the first being Machete). Vampire fans get to enjoy Stake Land, which dispenses with the tweeness of the Twilight franchise to create an apocalyptic tale of a North America overrun by the undead that – ironically – breathes new life into the genre. British director Simon Rumley also heads to America for Red, White and Blue a grim and brutal tale of revenge that is sure to leave a lasting impression. Also look out for Hatchet 2, a relentless slasher sequel that was released unrated in the US. Starring horror icons Tony Todd (best known for his role in the Candyman films) and Kane ‘Jason Voorhees’ Hodder, the film provides enough dismembered limbs and ultra-violence to keep the most bloodthirsty of fans happy.

Festival director Sten Saluveer said:
“This year’s HÕFF programme shows that many quality genre films have been coming out of North America this year and shows that the inventiveness extends beyond traditional Hollywood blockbusters. We’re particularly thankful to Todd Brown of – one of the premier genre sites on the web – who has aided us with programme after he visited us last year.

Festival passes are now available, priced at EUR23, whilst individual tickets go on sale on the 18th April at a price of EUR 3.50.

For full information on HÕFF – including the programme, screening locations and overnight accommodation in the city of Haapsalu – visit or

Notes for Editors

For further press information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit for information on accreditation

The festival is organized by the Municipality of Haapsalu, Haapsalu Cultural Centre and the Black Nights Film Festival.

Training Initiatives » Aristoteles Workshop

Vama, Suceava / Romania 25th of July - 28th of August. 2011

ARISTOTELES WORKSHOP (AW) is a HDTV training and development center dedicated to foster
a new generation of creative documentary filmmakers in Central and Eastern Europe.

Supported by CNC/Romania, the TV Channel ARTE/France and by MEDIA - the Continuous
Education Programme of the European Union -, AW became, in the last 5 years, a unique training
program, offering both a hands-on approach and a continuous tutoring system.

During this five week thorough workshop, 16 selected participants, divided in four groups, will be
guided through each and every step of the documentary production. Established and respected professionals will help the participants translate their own ideas into fresh, ground breaking documentaries.

The proposed module is a 30 minutes documentary film, but open to fiction elements in any way the
students choose. You will be assisted in pitching, promoting and distributing the outcoming films,
which gives you a triple benefit: learning, doing, and getting exposure.
AW provides production and post production equipment, facilities and accommodations
View projects from Aristoteles Workshop » (if possible, a new 15 min. trailer willbe uploaded.

Target Group
Our courses are designed for young people with previous film and/or video experience, directors,
producers, cinematographers and editors. We are looking for talented people with passion, commitment, a voice of their own and, above all, the ability to collaborate.

Conditions sine qua non
• you must be fluent in English.
• you must fill in the online application form (as stated on the AW website) and mail in all required materials to Arte/France (ARTE Relations Internationales 8, Rue Marceau 92785 Issy-les-Moulineaux Cedex 9, France)
The package consists of:
§ Application with photo
§ Resume or CV
§ Sample of your work in English
§ Letter of recommendation.

The application deadline is May 31st, 2011

The workshop is structured as follows:

Stage 1 - Training
Narrative style & strategies. Director’s perspective of development.
Camera, light, sound. Visual approach, planning & production schedule.

Stage 2 - Production
Treatment, research & scouting, shooting. Shoot adequate footage, taking into consideration that researching and planing are part of the documentary editing process.

Stage 3 - Editing
Shaping the documentary in the cutting room. Creative content and visual treatment. Coaching activity during and after the completion of the rough cut.

Stage 4 - Finish Line
Output to tape. Final evaluation.

Participation fee
€500 fee which covers accommodation, breakfast & dinner and production and post production
equipment and facilities.
Costs for the participants
• Travel expenses to & from Romania
• Additional daily subsistence (lunch and drinks)

For further information, please contact
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Upcoming events
The 6th Edition of the Aristoteles Workshop. Vama, Suceava / Romania, July 25 - Aug 28.

The application deadline: May 31, 2011


Marcin Koszałka's "Declaration of Immortality" got the prestigious Silver Hugo for the Best Documentary and a TV animation series "The Storm Cloud Odyssey" by Agnieszka Sadurska received Special Mention in the category "children programming" in the 47th edition of the Hugo TV Awards in Chicago. The Gala Ceremony took place on April 14th and attracted numerous TV producers and journalists from around the world.

16th Vilnius international film festival ended with the record number of visitors. This year there were over 60 thousand film fans, who visited the biggest film event in Lithuania. This is 16 times more, than during the first festival in 1996, when festival had 4000 viewers.

"The second generation of festival lovers has grown - this is the main reason for the record number of festival visitors", says director of Vilnius international film festival Vida Ramaškienė.

130 films were shown during two weeks of the festival. Film "Incendies", which received audience award, was the most popular film also. More than 7000 people watched Lithuanian movies via internet.

There were 453 screenings in 4 cinema theatres around capital city and 35 more screenings in other four towns of Lithuania. 50 foreign guests participated in competition programme "New Europe-new names" and international film festival forum "East-Central drift". More than 600 accreditations were given away, almost a 100 to the media representatives.

17th Vilnius international film festival will be held in the March of 2012.

In the link here you will find short film about the festival.

The best wishes and hope to see you next year.

Su geriausiais linkėjimais,

Rita Stanelytė
Vilniaus tarptautinio kino festivalio "Kino pavasaris"
Atstovė spaudai