PRAGUE: Twelve films representing Central and Eastern Europe are among the 46 films entered into competition for EFA’s European Film Awards

WARSAW: Krzysztof Zanussi, Jan Hrebejk, Nae Caranfil and Wojciech Smarzowski are among the more than 20 directors whose films are part of the works-in-progress presentation at the CentEast Market.

WARSAW: Six CEE films, including the world premiere of Anca Damian’s A Very Unsettled Summer, are among the 15 international competition films selected for the 29th Warsaw Film Festival running 11-20 October 2013.

It is our pleasure to announce the titles of films which will be part of CentEast Warsaw-Moscow as well as the ones presented
as a part of the China-Eastern Europe Film Promotion Project and the Warsaw Screenings.

A. CentEast Warsaw-Moscow
The presentations of selected works-in-progress will be the part of the CentEast Market for the Fifth time already. The
presentations will be held:
· 18 October 2013 in Warsaw, as a part of the 9th CentEast Market;
· 20 October 2013 in Moscow, as a part of the Project For Tomorrow;
· in April 2014 in Beijing, during the Beijing Film Market .

The following Eastern European works-in-progress have been selected:
- BUCHAREST NONSTOP, dir. Dan Chisu, Romania
- CHAGALL-MALEVICH, dir. Alexander Mitta, Russia
- FOR SOME INEXPLICABLE REASON, dir. Gábor Reisz, Hungary
- THE GUIDE, dir. Oles Sanin, Ukraine
- THE ICING, dir. Jan Hrebejk, Czech Republic
- I KNOW HOW TO KNIT, dir. Nadezhda Stepanova, Russia
- FOREIGN BODY, dir. Krzysztof Zanussi, Poland
- SOUND HUNTERS, dir. Peter Odadjiev, Bulgaria
- THE TRIBE, dir. Myroslav Slaboshpitskiy, Ukraine
Additionally, we will hold closed screenings of two almost completed films:
- CLOSER TO THE MOON, dir. Nae Caranfil, Romania
- THE MIGHTY ANGEL, dir. Wojciech Smarzowski, Poland.

B. China-Eastern Europe Film Promotion Project
On Saturday, October 19th in Warsaw, the representatives of Film Factory and Beijing Film Market will present a selection of
works-in-progress and completed films from China:
- FOUND AND LOST, dir. Xiaowei ZHU
- ROCK ON, 20.40.60, dir. Zuxin HOU
- ZEN, dir. Chuan WANG

C. Warsaw Screeings
The Warsaw Screenings, held since 2000, present the selected, newest Polish films to the Market audience. In this year's
- HEAVY MENTAL, dir. Sebastian Buttny
- IDA, dir. Paweł Pawlikowski
- IN HIDING, dir. Jan Kidawa-Błoński
- LIFE FEELS GOOD, dir. Maciej Pieprzyca
- RETURNS OF AGNIESZKA H., dir. Krystyna Krauze, Jacek Petrycki
- TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, dir. Wojciech Smarzowski
- WALESA. MAN OF HOPE, dir. Andrzej Wajda

Some films can still be added. A detailed programme of CentEast will be announced early October.
CentEast is supported by the MEDIA Mundus Programme of the European Community.

Contact: Anna Korcz, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Warsaw Film Foundation / 9th CentEast Market Warsaw - October 18-20, 2013
mailing address: WFF, P.O.Box 816, PL-00-950 Warsaw 1, Poland
office/courier's address: WFF, ul. Lwowska 11/11, 00-660 Warsaw, Poland

PRAGUE: Central European Media Enterprises (CME, announced the appointment of Matthias Settele to replace outgoing General Director of Slovakia’s TV Markiza Zuzana Tapakova on 23 September.

This year’s 29th edition of the Warsaw Film Festival (WFF) will be held October 11-20 in the heart of town, on nine screens of Multikino Zlote Tarasy and Kinoteka.

The line-up, announced today at the press conference, includes 123 feature length films (both fiction and docs) and 84 shorts from 57 countries.

WFF is recognised by FIAPF as international competitive film festival, but this year for the first time the programme includes a significant number of World, International and European Premieres. The line-up includes:
- 22 World Premieres
- 21 International Premieres
- 22 European Premieres.

The list of confirmed guests includes Jia Zhang-Ke, who got Best Director Award at Cannes for The Touch of Sin, UbertoPasolini, who got five awards in Venice for Still Life, Catherine Breillat, Rotterdam winner Mira Fornay, Anca Damian, awarded at Locarno (2011) for Crulic, Ilmar Raag, winner of numerous awards for Class (2007) – a total of over one hundred Filmmakers will present their films in person.

The new WFF section Classics from Poland includes works by Kieslowski, Zanussi, Machulski, and Krzysztof Krauze.

The complete line-up (feature films) of 29th Warsaw Film Festival:


Still Life,
dir. Uberto Pasolini (UK, Italy 2013)


Venus in Fur
/ La Vénus a la fourrure
,dir. Roman Polanski (France, Poland 2013)


A Very Unsettled Summer / O vară foarte instabilă,dir. Anca Damian (Romania, Czech Republic, Sweden, UK 2013) – World Premiere (WP)

Abuse of Weakness / Abus de faiblesse,dir. Catherine Breillat (France, Belgium, Germany 2013)

Concrete Night / Betoniyö,dir. Pirjo Honkasalo (Finland, Sweden, Denmark 2013)

Ida,dir. Pawel Pawlikowski (Poland 2013)

In Hiding,dir. Jan Kidawa Blonski (Poland 2013)

Kids Return: The Reunion / Kids Return - Saikai No Toki,dir. Hiroshi Shimizu (Japan 2013)

Like Never Before / Jako Nikdy,dir. Zdeňek Tyc (Czech Republic, Slovakia 2013) - WP

Love Is Blind / Kertu,dir. Ilmar Raag (Estonia 2013) - WP

PAAT,dir. Amir Toodehroosta (Iran 2013) - WP

Paradise for the Damned / Un paraíso para los malditos,dir. Alejandro Montiel (Argentina 2013) - WP

Tangerines / Mandariinid,dir. Zaza Urushadze (Estonia, Georgia 2013) - WP

The Gambler / Lošejas,dir. Ignas Jonynas (Lithuania, Latvia 2013)

The Green Jacket / Zelena Kofta,dir. Volodymyr Tykhyy (Ukraine 2013)

Thirst / Zhazhda,dir. Dmitri Tiurin (Russia 2013)

Trap Street / Shuiyin Jie,dir. Vivian Qu (China 2013)


Alienation / Otchuzhdenie,dir. Milko Lazarov (Bulgaria 2013)

Erratum / Errata,dir. Iván Vescovo (Argentina 2013)

Family Tour,dir. Liliana Torres (Spain 2013)

Happiness / Le Bonheur,dir. Fabrice Grange (France 2013)

Heavenly Shift / Isteni Műszak,dir. Márk Bodzsár (Hungary 2013) - WP

Heavy Mental,dir. Sebastian Buttny (Poland 2013) - WP

Kuro / Hanare Banareni,dir. Daisuke Shimote (Japan 2012)

Love Hunter,dir. Branislav 'Brane' Bala, Nemanja Bala (USA 2013) - WP

No Autumn, No Spring / Sin Otono, Sin Primavera,dir. Iván Mora Manzano (Ecuador, Colombia, France 2012)

Seduce Me / Zapelji me,dir. Marko Šantic (Slovenia 2013) - WP

Tau / Táu,dir. Daniel Castro Zimbrón (Mexico 2012)

The Japanese Dog / Câinele Japonez,dir. Tudor Cristian Jurgiu (Romania 2013)

The Selfish Giant,dir. Clio Barnard (UK 2013)

The Spider's Lair / Babagwa,dir. Jason Paul Laxamana (Philippines 2013)

Ummah - Among Friends / Ummah - Unter Freunden,dir. Cüneyt Kaya (Germany 2013)


AKP: Job 27 / Koroshia no Michi: Nijushichi Jobu,dir. Michael L. Suan (Canada, Japan 2013)

Distant / Yuan Fang,dir. Zhengfan Yang (China 2013)

Little Spartan / Micul Spartan,dir. Dragoş Iuga (Romania 2013) - WP

Mistaken For Strangers,dir. Tom Berninger (USA 2013)

Much Better Than You / Soy mucho mejor que vos,dir. Ché Sandoval (Chile 2013)

Mushroomers / Senotaji,dir. Ivars Tontegode (Latvia 2013)

Rites of Passage,dir. Phillip Crawford (Australia 2013)

The Awakening of the Soul / Algo pasó en el alma,dir. Rosana Matecki (Venezuela, Bolivia 2013)

Three Marks of Existence
/ Na-mus-ta-India-Song-Grean-Pai-Rean-Pud
,dir. Gunparwitt Phuwadolwisid (Thailand 2013)

Trolling / S/Kidanje,dir. Kosta Djordjevic (Serbia 2013)


10 percent: What Makes a Hero,dir. Yoav Shamir (Israel 2013)

A Universal Language,dir. Igal Hecht (Canada 2013)

Bull Running in Pamplona / Encierro,dir. Olivier van der Zee (Spain 2013)

Dirty Wars,dir. Richard Rowley (USA 2013)

Drops of Heaven / Ten no shizuku: Tatsumi Yoshiko Inochi no Soup,dir. Atsunori Kawamura (Japan 2012)

Gorgona, Stories On The Run / La Gorgona, Historias Fugadas,dir. Camilo Botero Jaramillo (Colombia 2013)

Human / Humano,dir. Alan Stivelman (Argentina 2013) - WP

Made Of Steel / Vilje av Stal,dir. Hallgrim Haug (Norway 2012)

My Stuff / Tavarataivas,dir. Petri Luukkainen (Finland 2013)

Normalization / Kauza Cervanová,dir. Robert Kirchhoff (Slovakia, Czech Republic 2013)

La Paz in Buenos Aires / La Paz en Buenos Aires,dir. Marcelo Charras (Argentina 2013)

Purgatorio, a Journey Into the Heart of the Border / Purgatorio, un viaje al corazón de la frontera,dir. Rodrigo Reyes (Mexico, USA 2013)

Returns of Agnieszka H. / Návraty Agnieszky H.,dir. Krystyna Krauze, Jacek Petrycki (Poland, Czech Republic 2013) - WP

The International Criminal Court,dir. Marcus Vetter, Michele Gentile (Germany, Switzerland 2013)

The Kill Team,dir. Dan Krauss (USA 2013)



1000 Cranes,dir. Kaz Cai (Hong Kong (China) 2013) - WP

2 cm more / Nur 2 cm,dir. Sanela Salketic (Germany 2013)

Acts of God,dir. Sarah-Jane Woulahan (Australia 2013)

Aftermath,dir. Jeremy Robbins (USA 2013)

Bandits / Les brigands,dir. Antoine Giorgini (Belgium, France 2013) - WP

Beat,dir. Aneil Karia (UK 2013)

Beat Beat Beat / Jetzt Jetzt Jetzt,dir. Christin Freitag (Germany 2013) - WP

Blued / Izriqaq,dir. Rama Mari (Palestine, Norway 2013)

Boles,dir. Špela Čadež (Slovenia, Germany 2013)

Butter Lamp / La lampe au beurre de yak,dir. Hu Wei (France, China 2013)

Callback,dir. David Findlay (Canada 2013)

Center Stage / Skra Braedder,dir. Anton Breum (Denmark 2013) - WP

Condom Lead,dir. Arab & Tarzan (Ahmad Abou Nasser, Mohammed Abou Nasser) (Palestine 2013)

Days of Saturn / Saturntage,dir. Sara Bungartz (Germany 2013)

Framed / Im Rahmen,dir. Evgenia Gostrer (Germany 2013)

Gravity / Gravedad,dir. Pau Camarasa, Alex Lora (Spain 2013) - WP

Hasta Santiago,dir. Mauro Carraro (Switzerland, France 2013)

History of Pets,dir. Kris Genijn (Netherlands 2013)

Home, Cry / Bait, Bechi,dir. Lior Har-Lev (Israel 2013)

In Autumn,dir. Rosanna Scarcella (Australia 2013) - WP

Inked / Encrages,dir. Simon Lamontagne, David Tougas (Canada 2013)

Little Secret,dir. Martin Krejčí (Czech Republic 2013)

Mia,dir. Wouter Bongaerts (Belgium, Netherlands 2013) - WP

Miss Todd,dir. Kristina Yee (UK 2013)

Moritz And The Woodwose / Moritz und der Waldschrat,dir. Bryn Chainey (Germany 2013)

Mr Hublot,dir. Laurent Witz, Alexandre Espigares (Luxembourg 2013)

Pandas,dir. Matúš Vizár (Slovakia, Czech Republic 2013)

Return,dir. Ewa Bukowska (Poland 2013)

Sequence,dir. Carles Torrens (USA 2013)

StrAngel –The Angel of the Odd,dir. Daniel von Braun, Georg-Sebastian Dressler (Germany 2013)

The Dead Kid,dir. Gregory D. Goyins (USA 2013) - WP

The Gravedigger's Tale,dir. Min Young Oh (UK 2013)

The Landing,dir. Josh Tanner (Australia 2013) - WP

The Note,dir. Ciarán Creagh (Ireland 2013)

The Pledge for Mr Bunny,dir. Kevin Lim (Australia 2013)

The Tiple / El Tiple,dir. Iván D. Gaona (Colombia 2013)

The Woods / Sous bois,dir. Henri Pardo (Canada 2013)

Whale Valley / Hvalfjörđur,dir. Guđmundur Arnar Guđmundsson (Denmark, Iceland 2013)

Wind of Share / Les Voiles du partage,dir. Pierre Mousquet, Jérôme Cauwe (France, Belgium 2013)

Woodwoo,dir. Jonny Phillips (UK 2013)

You Built Me a Labyrinth / Labyrintti,dir. Lauri-Matti Parppei (Finland 2013)



Ab Ovo,dir. Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi (Poland 2012)

Danse Macabre,dir. Malgorzata Rzanek (Poland 2013)

Darling,dir. Izabela Plucinska (Poland, Germany 2013)

Magma,dir. Pawel Maslona (Poland 2013)

Man with a Plastic Bag,dir. Jakub Polakowski (Poland 2013)

Mercy,dir. Eliza Subotowicz (Poland 2012)

Mother,dir. Lukasz Ostalski (Poland 2013)

Mother 24/7,dir. Marcin Janos Krawczyk (Poland 2012)

Olena,dir. Elzbieta Benkowska (Poland 2013)

Our Curse,dir. Tomasz Sliwinski (Poland 2013)

Rogalik,dir. Pawel Ziemilski (Poland 2012)

Steven And The Bettle,dir. Piotr Loc Hoang Ngoc (Poland 2012)

The Big Leap,dir. Kristoffer Karlsson Rus (Poland, Sweden 2013)

The Easter Crumble,dir. Julia Kolberger (Poland 2013)

The Little Red Paper Ship,dir. Aleksandra Zaręba (Germany, Poland 2013)

The Whistle,dir. Grzegorz Zariczny (Poland 2012)

Uterus,dir. Anna Kosinska (Poland 2013)

Ziegenort,dir. Tomasz Popakul (Poland 2013)


6 Vs. 6 - Next Generation 2013 / 6 gegen 6 - Next Generation 2013,dir. Pius Neumaier (Germany 2012)

A Strange Photographer And The Solitude - Next Generation 2013 / Der fremde Fotograf und die Einsamkeit - Next Generation 2013,dir. Willy Hans, Jan Eichberg (Germany 2012)

Breaking Through - Next Generation 2013 / Flucht nach vorn - Next Generation 2013,dir. Florian Dietrich (Germany 2012)

Eat - Next Generation 2013,dir. Moritz Krämer (Germany 2012)

Echo - Next Generation 2013,dir. Merlin Flügel (Germany 2012)

Endless Day - Next Generation 2013,dir. Anna Frances Ewert (Germany 2012)

Fortune Faded - Next Generation 2013,dir. Alexander Heringer (Germany 2012)

House - Next Generation 2013,dir. Ahmad Saleh (Germany 2012)

Reverie - Next Generation 2013,dir. Valentin Gagarin, Shujun Wong, Robert Wincierz (Germany 2012)

Rough Grounds - Next Generation 2013 / Über rauhem Grund - Next Generation 2013,dir. Youdid Kahveci (Germany 2012)

Steffi likes this - Next Generation 2013 / Steffi gefällt das - Next Generation 2013,dir. Philipp Scholz (Germany 2012)

Trapped - Next Generation 2013,dir. Alexander Dietrich, Johannes Flick (Germany 2012)

Warehouse - Next Generation 2013,dir. Jakob Weiss (Germany 2012)


A Touch Of Sin / Tian zhu ding,dir. Jia Zhang-ke (China, Japan 2013)

Banklady,dir. Christian Alvart (Germany 2013)

Enough Said, dir. Nicole Holofcener (USA 2013)

Exit Marrakech,dir. Caroline Link (Germany 2013)

Grand Central,dir. Rebecca Zlotowski (France, Austria 2013)

Henri,dir. Yolande Moreau (France, Belgium 2013)

Ludwig II,dir. Peter Sehr, Marie Noëlle (Germany, Austria 2012)

On The Job,dir. Erik Matti (Philippines 2013)

Prince Avalanche,dir. David Gordon Green (USA 2013)

The Complex / Kuroyuri danchi,dir. Nakata Hideo (Japan 2013)

The Geographer Drank His Globe Away / Geograf globus propil,dir. Alexander Veledinsky (Russia 2013)

The Major / Mayor,dir. Yuri Bykov (Russia 2013)

Twenty Feet from Stardom,dir. Morgan Neville (USA 2013)

Ugly,dir. Anurag Kashyap (India 2013)

We Are the Best! / Vi är bäst!,dir. Lukas Moodysson (Sweden, Denmark 2013)


A Short Film About Killing,dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski (Poland 1987)

A Short Film About Love,dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski (Poland 1988)

Camera Buff,dir. Krzysztof Kieslowski (Poland 1979)

Deja Vu,dir. Juliusz Machulski (Poland 1988)

The Debt,dir. Krzysztof Krauze (Poland 1999)

The Structure of Crystal,dir. Krzysztof Zanussi (Poland 1969)


Big Bad Wolves / Mi mefached me-ha-ze’ev ha-ra,dir. Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado (Israel 2013)

Big Hit / Big Xit,dir. Karolos Zonaras (Greece 2012)

Cold / Soguk,dir. Ugur Yücel (Turkey 2013)

Concussion,dir. Stacie Passon (USA 2013)

Crystal Fairy,dir. Sebastián Silva (Chile 2013)

Dance, Dance, Dance:

  • Momentum,dir. Boris Seewald (Germany 2013)
  • Rivers Return,dir. Joe Vanhoutteghem (Belgium 2012)
  • Test Film / Kémhatás,dir. Iván Angelus (Hungary 2013)

Emperor Visits the Hell / Tang huang you di fu,dir. Li Luo (China, Canada 2012)

Harmony Lessons / Uroki garmonii,dir. Emir Baigazin (Kazakhstan, Germany, France 2013)

Honey / Miele,dir. Valeria Golino (Italy, France 2013)

Japan's Tragedy / Nippon no higeki,dir. Masahiro Kobayashi (Japan 2012)

Love Building,dir. Iulia Rugină (Romania 2013)

My Dog Killer / Môj pes Killer,dir. Mira Fornay (Slovakia, Czech Republic 2013)

Sarah Prefers To Run / Sarah préfere la course,dir. Chloé Robichaud (Canada 2013)

Shorts Discoveries:

  • Balcony / Ballkoni,dir. Lendita Zeqiraj (Kosovo 2013)
  • Summer Vacation / Hofesh Gadol,dir. Sharon Maymon, Tal Granit (Israel 2013)
  • Penny Dreadful,dir. Shane Atkinson (USA 2013)
  • The Exhibition / Výstava,dir. Peter Begányi, Andrej Kolenčík (Slovakia 2013)

Tenderness / La tendresse,dir. Marion Hänsel (Belgium, France, Germany 2013)

The Golden Cage / La jaula de oro,dir. Diego Quemada-Diez (Mexico, Spain 2013)

The Whirlpool / Vir,dir. Bojan - Vuk Kosovčevic (Serbia 2012)

What They Don't Talk About When They Talk About Love / Yang Tidak Dibicarakan Ketika Membicarakan Cinta,dir. Mouly Surya (Indonesia 2013)

Witness,dir. Gao Zehao (China 2012)

Youth,dir. Tom Shoval (Israel, Germany 2013)



After The Night / Até ver a luz,dir. Basil Da Cunha (Switzerland 2013)

Before Snowfall / For snoen faller,dir. Hisham Zaman (Norway 2013)

Bending the Rules / Ghaedeye Tasadof,dir. Behnam Behzadi (Iran 2013)

Love and Rock,dir. Xing Di (China 2013)

Omar,dir. Hany Abu-Assad (Palestine 2013)

Rock the Casbah / Rock ba'Kasba,dir. Yariv Horowitz (Israel, France 2013)

Rona & Nele,dir. Silvia Chiogna (Germany 2013)

Stockholm,dir. Rodrigo Sorogoyen (Spain 2013)

The New World / De nieuwe wereld,dir. Jaap van Heusden (Netherlands 2013)

The Unsaved / La limita de jos a cerului,dir. Igor Cobileanski (Romania, Moldova 2013)

Yozgat Blues,dir. Mahmut Fazil Coskun (Turkey, Germany 2013)


Barzan,dir. Bradley Hutchinson, Alex Stonehill (USA 2013)

Fifi Howls From Happiness / Fifi az khoshhali zooze mikeshad,dir. Mitra Farahani (USA, France 2013)

Furever,dir. Amy Finkel (USA 2013)

Get the Picture,dir. Cathy Pearson (Ireland 2012)

Grey City / Cidade Cinza,dir. Marcelo Mesquita, Guilherme Valiengo (Brazil 2013)

In God We Trust,dir. Victor Kubicek, Derek Anderson (USA 2013)

My Stolen Revolution,dir. Nahid Persson Sarvestani (Sweden 2013)

Small Small Thing,dir. Jessica Vale (USA 2013)

The Great Pretender / El gran simulador,dir. Néstor Frenkel (Argentina 2013)

The Project,dir. Shawn Efran, Adam Ciralsky (USA 2013)



Let Panda Fly / Rang Xiongmao Fei,dir. Zhao Bandi (China 2013)

Lisa Limone and Maroc Orange, a Rapid Love Story / Lisa Limone ja Maroc Orange: tormakas armulugu,dir. Mait Laas (Estonia, Finland 2013)

Otto is a Rhino / Otto er et Naesehorn,dir. Kenneth Kainz (Denmark 2013)

The Blue Tiger / Modrý tygr,dir. Petr Oukropec (Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia 2012)

Shorts for Kids:

High Noon / La Hora Senalada,dir. Ivan Mazza (Venezuela 2013)

Rabbit and Deer / Nyuszi és Őz,dir. Péter Vácz (Hungary 2012)

Room On The Broom,dir. Max Lang, Jan Lachauer (UK 2012)

Shame And Glasses,dir. Alessandro Riconda (Italy 2013)

The Little Blond Boy with a White Sheep / Le Petit Blond avec un Mouton Blanc,dir. Eloi Henriod (France 2013)

29th Warsaw Film Festival is organised by the Warsaw Film Foundation under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage and the Mayor of Warsaw.
Co-financing: The Capital City of Warsaw, Polish Film Institute, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Main Partner: TVP2
Sponsors and Partners: Epson, Sundance Channel, Twins Ltd., Zlote Tarasy
Festival Cinemas: Kinoteka, Multikino Zlote Tarasy
Film Industry Partner in China: Film Factory
Official Car: Chevrolet
Official Hotel: Marriott Warsaw
Media Partners: Filmweb, Gazeta Wyborcza,, Polityka, Polska Agencja Prasowa, Trójka (Radio 3), VIVA, Withoutabox
Shipper: DHL.

Contact: Agnieszka Krawczyk, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

WARSAW: Polish director Andrzej Jakimowski’ Imagine has been selected as the Polish nomination for the European Film Awards.

BATUMI: The 8th Batumi International Art-house Film Festival held in Batumi 15-22 September 2013 gave its Grand Prix to the Norwegian/German/Iraqi film Before Snowfall. The Danish/Norwegian/British film Act of Killing won the prize for best documentary.

SOFIA: As many as 350,000 to 1 m Bulgarians are unprepared for the end of the analogue TV signal, now scheduled to happen on 30 September 2013.

12 experienced producers, 6 high-profile industry experts, 4 days to discuss their company structures, management practices and new business models – this is the formula of EAVE’s latest brainchild EAVE+.

Held in Luxembourg from September 19-23, 2013 at the hotel Le Place D’Armes and supported by the MEDIA Programme of the EU and the Luxembourg Film Fund, EAVE+ goes into the first round.

"I'm thrilled at the idea of all these experienced producers, locked up in a think tank situation for 4 days, trying to put their brains together in order to imagine solutions today for the challenges that awaits our industry tomorrow;" comments Jani Thiltges, EAVE’s Head of Studies.  

Led by EAVE Head of Studies Jani Thiltges (Samsa Film, LU) together with EAVE+ consultant Michael Weber (The Match Factory, DE), keynote sessions by international guests will be mixed with group work session and 1-2-1 meetings.

As EAVE’s CEO Kristina Trapp states : "There was a strong demand from more experienced producers for networking at another level, being able to discuss issues of company growth and sustainabilty, rather than exchanging about individual projects. We clearly felt that the timing was right for EAVE+ and are very satisfied how well the idea was received by the industry, including the invited key note speakers."

Among the guests at the first edition of EAVE+ are US indie producer Mike S. Ryan (Greyshack Films, US), who will present the perspective from America, talking about private equity and where to find the money post 2008. Bo Ehrhardt (Nimbus Film, DK) will give a walk-through of Nimbus' many successes, failures and how to survive in an ever-changing business environment. Andrew Doherty (Doc&Co Digital, formerly Head of iTunes Europe) will talk about the future of VoD and present the current opportunities. Management coach Michael Comyn (IE) will work with the producers on leadership, management skills and personal resilience. (Exhaustive pitch of the sessions below)

Jani Thiltges :"What a great bunch of experts we managed to bring to Luxembourg! I'm sure their experiences, including their failures, will enlighten our discussions on how to become  better producers."  

The selected producers include: Hanneke Niens (KeyFilm, NL), producer of Oscar® nominated feature Twin Sisters, the producer of the 2013 Cannes competition title HeliTitus Kreyenberg (unafilm, DE), Marko Röhr and Ilkka Matila of one of the leading Finnish production companys MRP Matila Röhr Productions as well as Italian producer Carlo Cresta-Dina (Tempesta, IT/UK). (Exhaustive list of participants below)

EAVE+ will be organised twice a year in Luxembourg with different keynote speakers and topics addressed at each workshop session.


Michael Comyn: Leadership Resilience

The workshop consists of two elements - A group session where we will touch on the following four areas:

Part One - The History of Stress and Resilience?

The word stress is searched 9,140,000 times a month on Google, yet there are so many myths about the subject that affect our thinking on the subject… in this first part of the presentation we take a quick look at the history of stress and set up some of the myths for a closer look.

Part Two - The Role of Sleep and Fatigue!

We’ve spent a lot of time coaching individuals around the subject of resilience and top of the list is the challenge of getting a great night’s sleep. It can’t be overestimated how valuable proper rest is when it comes to maintaining personal resilience.  We’ve drawn together the best research on the matter and plan to get you thinking about counting sheep and catching your eight hours.

Part Three - The Brain’s Role in Resilience - Meet your Amygdala!

What happens to our decision making ability in the presence of fear and or anxiety.  We look at some of the sneaky things our brain gets up to when we perceive stress and what we can learn from resilient individuals when they are faced with the same challenges.  We’ll visit catastrophic thinking and mind reading and a few other tricks our amygdala likes to use to get our attention.

Part Four - Immunity to Change - What we can learn from Cardiac Patients?

Cardiologists tell us that only one in seven cardiac patients are compliant with their life saving medication!  So what can we do to overcome a reluctance to personal change, especially around activities like sleep, diet, exercise, relaxation and meditation.  We’ll finish our presentation by running you through the well proven Immunity to Change exercises - and leave you with an insight into how to get your goals back on track. 

This workshop is followed up by one to one coaching sessions with participants over the course of the event where they will get a debrief on the content of the TalentQ profiles. These profiles will be completed prior to the event.

Bo Ehrhardt: Company case study

Trial and errors from DOGMA to NORDIC NOIR

It's the history of a Danish indie production house, Nimbus Film, that will make way for a presentation as to how filmmaking, distribution and financing has undergone some radical changes through-out the last 20 years. It will be a walk-through of Nimbus' many successes, failures and how to survive in an ever changing business environment, but always with one lead focus: how to create and bring good stories to the screen. 

Mike S. Ryan: The US Independents

Private Equity and the US independents

In the fall of 2008 the Real Estate bubble popped in the United States and our financial foundation was revealed to be composed of lies, false hopes and utter fiction.  We then saw a simultaneous pop in the film bubble at Sundance 2009 with the plunge in film acquisition prices. Combine that with lower admissions in the under 30 year old demographic and product glut due to reduced production costs and you have a perfect storm causing industry shakeout and implosion. Yet despite the resulting increase in wealth gap between the one percent and the upper middle class, private equity investment in film is still strong and common. The 2008 collapse has caused a reordering of wealth and a new class of young billionaires has emerged that defines value and return on investment differently than the  past older elite establishment. Anyone who tries to define a films value in the same terms used pre 2008 is way out of step with the expectations of current new equity investors. As content providers, how can we, creative producers, dance to this new beat or move to change the beat? How are we to reconfigure our own goals and self-perception in this new landscape?  Lets talk about actual current perceptions and ways of being that are directly connected to how money is moved in this new era of arts finance.   Post 2008, wealth has been re-arranged, yet there is a place at this new, more lavish table, I see that a seat is in fact being held for us.

Andy Docherty: VoD and the Future

Having launched the first video stores for iTunes in Europe, Andy Docherty will explore the current potential for premium VOD for Independent filmmakers and look to the future and where VOD is heading.  There are lessons to be learnt from the last 5-6 years, which can help prepare content owners and producers for the next 5 years of upheaval.  Recent advances and changes in technology have changed the face of content consumption forever and those who have embraced the change are flourishing, while those who have fought the changes and tried to preserve old world thinking, risk being left behind.  What can European indies to do to respond positively to what is an uncertain playing field and maximize future opportunities.

Key Topics to be explored include: 

- What is the current opportunity?

-  How has technological change impacted consumption of content?

-  How can indies take advantage and maximize the wider opportunity for digital?

-  The future of VOD



  • Christine Alderson, Ipso Facto (UK)
  • Carlo Cresto-Dina, Tempesta srl (IT)
  • Natasha Dack, Tigerlily Films (UK)
  • Jean des Forêts, Petit Film (FR)
  • Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Amour Fou (AT)
  • David Grumbach, Juliette Films (LU)
  • Titus Kreyenberg, unafilm (DE)
  • Ilkka Matila, MRP Matila Röhr Production Oy (FI)
  • Hanneke Niens, KeyFilm (NL)
  • Ferenc Pusztai, KMH Film (HU)
  • Marko Röhr, MRP Matila Röhr Production Oy (FI)
  • Nandita Solomon, Apparat (MY)