SONY format could help boost film production in Central Europe

Estonian film is enjoying a production boom both at home and abroad, thanks partly to the XD Cam SONY format as well as an innovative financing scheme that could become…
17-10-2007 m

Estonia picks The Class as its Oscar choice

This year's Karlovy Vary award winner The Class by Ilmar Raag is Estonia's national nomination for the Best Foreign Language Film award at the Academy Awards next February.

Estonian animation celebrates 50th anniversary

Estonia is celebrating its jubilee anniversary of animation production in November with a series of exhibitions and DVD releases, as well as an industry conference including the first World Championships…

Estonian cash reserve kickstarts production of historical epic

The Estonian government has released €640,000 from its contingency reserve to finance the production of a patriotic epic, a highly unusual step in a country with well-established national film funds.

Eurimages finances controversial film Nazis and Blondes

"They were young. They were beautiful. They looked like Germans." A film with a logline like that is bound to raise some eyebrows. But the European Council co-production fund Eurimages…

Karlovy Vary winner The Class picked up by NonStop Sales

The 2007 Karlovy Vary East of the West jury award winner The Class by Ilmar Raag has been picked up for international distribution by the Scandinavian sales company NonStop Sales…