The film is a modern drama about faith and doubtful set in an international corporation. A young Italian man starts work in a branch office which is run by a cynical, unprincipled Polish woman. She is
fascinated with his faith and tries to seduce him, but he returns to Poland, following his fiancée who wants to join a convent.
This psychological drama is coproduced by Poland’s Studio Filmowe TOR (, Russia’s Film Studio Fora-Film M ( and Italy’s Revolver ( The film received 2.2 m PLN (530,000 EUR) financing from the Polish Film Institute ( The budget is 6 mln PLN (1,471,000 EUR).
The premiere is planned for autumn 2013.
Production Contact:
Studio Filmowe Tor
ul. Puławska 61
02-595 Warszawa, Poland
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(48 22) 845-53-03
(48 22) 845-53-03