"Weeds," an animated short film, has been chosen to be showcased at the official selection of La Cinef at the Festival de Cannes. Directed by Pola Kazak and produced by MAUR film and the Film Academy of Miroslav Ondricek in Pisek (Czech Republic), this graduation work promises to engage audiences with its visually captivating narrative.

BUCHAREST: Romanian documentary Nasty, about the legendary Romanian tennis player Ilie Năstase, is currently topping the domestic weekly charts after its release on 74 screens on 19 April 2023. The film directed by Tudor Giurgiu, Cristian Pascariu and Tudor D. Popescu is a new addition to the Special Screenings section within the Official Selection of the 77th Cannes Film Festival (14 – 25 May 2024).

NICOSIA: 78 Days by Serbian director Emilija Gašić received the Glocal Images Best Film Award in the International Competition section of the 22nd Cyprus Film Days (12 – 20 April 2024). Embryo Larva Butterfly by Kyros Papavassiliou was awarded Best Cypriot film.

ZAGREB: Four Daughters by Kaouther Ben Hania and KIX by Hungarian directors Dávid Mikulán and Bálint Révész won the International and the Regional Competition, respectively, at the ZagrebDox International Documentary Film Festival, which celebrated its 20th edition from 14 to 21 April 2024.

The new short film Sauna Day, directed by Anna Hints and Tushar Prakash, was selected to premiere as the first Estonian film in the special programme of La Semaine de la Critique (Critics' Week) at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival.

TALLINN: Rainer Sarnet’s comedy The Invisible Fight and Smoke Sauna Sisterhood by Anna Hints won most of the film awards, with nine and four trophies respectively, at the Estonian Film and Television Awards, organised by the Estonian Film Institute.

BUCHAREST: The Romanian Film Centre (CNC) has distributed 5.6 m EUR / 27.9 m RON for the production of feature, documentary and animated films, as well as minority coproductions and debut features in the second batch of grants for 2023.

BERLIN: Germany will take part in the Official Selection and the sidebar sections of the 77th Cannes Film Festival (14 - 25 May 2024) with 11 majority and minority coproductions.

BERLIN: The Erich Pommer Institut (EPI) is thrilled to announce the collaboration between the European Film Business and Law LL.M. | MBA executive master's programme at EPI and Alphapanda, an industry leader in film marketing and distribution.

The following grants were announced by the Romanian Film Centre (CNC) on 3 April 2024.