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Slovak films in Karlovy Vary 2009
What's Slovak at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival 2009
m-appeal picks up Small Crime
Berlin-based world sales company m-appeal has just added Christos Georgiou’s second feature film Small Crime to its line-up
Karlovy Vary East of the West: Low Lights
Lithuanian director Ignas Miškinis' second feature film Low Lights (Artimos šviesos), makes its international premiere in the East of the West competition at the 44th International Karlovy Vary Film Festival.
DocBoat Warsaw non-fiction e-fest
International Film Festival DocBoat / Warsaw NON-fiction e-fest kindly invites you to enter films to its first edition, to be held on September 2009 on the Polish Internet.
Karlovy Vary East of the West: Alive!
One of the important directors and screenwriters of the Albanian cinema, Artan Minarolli devoted nearly five years of his life to the raising of the 950,000 Euro budget for Alive.
Karlovy Vary East of the West: The Seventh Circle
Árpád Sopsits' The Seventh Circle -- the concluding film in the director's half-century trilogy -- takes its title and inspiration from Dante's Divine Comedy.
Karlovy Vary East of the West: No One's Son
Arsen Anton Ostojic's No One's Son swept the Croatian awards last year: 6 Gold Arenas at the Pula Film Festival, Critics' Award for best film, state award for achievement in film in 2008, and Croatian candidate for the 2009 Academy Awards.
Karlovy Vary East of the West: Lost Times
First feature film director Aron Matyassy burst onto the Hungarian film scene, winning the Golden Reel Main Prize of the 40th Hungarian Film Week in February with his movie Lost Times.
"The Pig" wins MUNICH INTERNATIONAL short film festival 2010
The Danish competitor "The Pig" (Grisen) by Dorte W. Høgh receives the award of the 2009 MUNICH INTERNATIONAL short film festival, being granted Kodak film material for her next project.
Karlovy Vary weathers financial crisis
Despite the financial crisis affecting budgets and advertising revenues across Europe, the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (www.kviff.com) can count on sustaining its public and private support.
The National Programme of the 56th Pula Film Festival (www.pulafestival.hr) that will be held from 18 to 25 July, shall present a record ten films.
Karlovy Vary lines up 14 competition films
European films dominate the 14-film strong selection of the 44th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (www.kviff.com), running July 3-11.
Zlin awards Czech, Latvian, Slovak films
The 49th International Film Festival for Children and Youth held in Zlin, Czech Republic, awarded its Golden Slipper for best film for children to Mária Procházková's contemporary take on the Little Red Riding Hood story, Who is Afraid of the Wolf?
Recipes for Disaster by John Webster awarded in Seoul and Warsaw
The feature documentary Recipes for Disaster by John Webster has won the Best Feature Film prize at Green Film Festival in Seoul, South Korea, and the main prize at Planete Doc Review Film Festival in Warsaw, Poland.
Fifth day - 02.06.09 - highlights
11am - screening of the film "99% Honest" dir. Rune Denstad Langlo (feature- lenght documentary competition). KINO MIKRO.
Fourth day - 01.06.09 - highlights
11am - the screening of the film "The Journey of an Olive Tree" dir. Anton Pichler. The director will attend the questions and answers after the screening. KINO MIKRO
Third day - 31.05.09 - highlights
12pm - the screening of the film „ Bilal" dir. Sourav Sarangi. MIKRO CINEMA (feature-lenght competition).About the film: Bringing up two unruly boys, each a few years old, is a difficult task. It is even more difficult when the family lives in a very poor district of Kolkatta and struggles…
49th Krakow Film Festival Second day - 30.05.09 - highlights
10am - the screening of the film „Rough Auntiesi" dir. Kim Longinotto. KIJÓW.CENTRUM CINEMA (feature-lenght competition).
OSCAROWE OTWARCIE 49. Krakowskiego Festiwalu filmowego
Kraków, 29 maja 2009 - Już dzisiaj rozpoczyna się 49. edycja Krakowskiego Festiwalu Filmowego, który potrwa do 4 czerwca. Początek zapowiada się oscarowo - na scenie kina KIJÓW.CENTRUM pojawią się Paul Mazursky, Andrzej Wajda i Zbigniew Rybczyński.