With 158 applications coming from 47 different countries, we are delighted to close the year announcing the participants for the EAVE 2014 European Producers Workshop: 51 promising producers from 28 countries have finally been selected for 2014.

The European Film Academy Young Audience Award, first introduced in 2012 on occasion of the 25th European Film Awards, will again be presented this year in the framework of a Young Audience Film Day on Sunday, 4 May.

Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the Slovak Film Institute presents a special collection of Slovak archive documentaries at DAFilms.cz. It is for the first time that the Slovak archive films are available online.

The launch of Slovakia’s Audiovisual Fund four years ago has reaped benefits for Slovak film production abroad and at home.

Foreign film services, a driving force behind Malta’s film industry since its earliest days, have seen a revival in recent years.

Producer Pavel Bercik dips into the topic of Czech Beer in an upcoming documentary.

A total of 30 films were produced in Georgia in 2012 and 2013.

Wide and Eye on Films will launch the first CEE online film festival in Croatia beginning on 22 December 2013. The festival was initiated by Wide’s Loic Magneron.

SOFIA: France’s Joséphine de La Baume will star in the Ukrainian-Georgian-German-Bulgarian 2.6m EUR coproduction Ursus - The Caucasian Bear, co-written eight years ago by esteemed Georgian scriptwriter Zaza Buadze and film director/producer Otar Shamatava.

PRAGUE: The Czech Film Center in cooperation with the Prague Short Film Festival, the iShorts association and AG-Kurzfilm of Germany is organising a marathon of short films on 21 December 2013.