FNE interviews Czech documentary producer Pavlína Kalandrova, selected to participate in the 2013 Emerging Producers workshop at the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival.

FNE interviews Polish documentary producer Jacob Dammas, selected to participate in the 2013 Emerging Producers workshop at the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival.

SIBIU: The Grand Prize of the 20th Astra Film Festival of documentary films went to Marc Schmidt’s Dutch entry Matthew’s Laws.

Czech producer Jiri Konecny looks at the disgraced subject of selective human breeding.

FNE interviews Bulgarian documentary producer Nina Pehlivanova, selected to participate in the 2013 Emerging Producers workshop at the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival.

FNE interviews Lithuanian documentary producer Dagne Vildziunaite, selected to participate in the 2013 Emerging Producers workshop at the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival.

Prague, 17 October 2013  This year the Czech Film Center, in cooperation with AG Kurzfilm, is presenting the fourth Czech-German collection of short films. The successful presentation of Fein.KOšt – Feine Kurzfilme im Ost – will start on 18 October in Germany and will then continue on to the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

PRAGUE: The MIDPOINT Central European dramaturgy programme will host its third annual workshop on recognizing dramatic potential in a story at Prague’s FAMU film school on 17-19 October 2013.

This year, the Focus section of the FilmFestival Cottbus is dedicated to the cinematographic exploration of the history and everyday life of Sinti and Roma. Under the motto "Dikhen! – Let’s Take a Look", 11 full-length films, 12 shorts and 12 contributions from the “Mundi Romani” series examine individual stories and collective anecdotes from the everyday life and culture of this large transnational minority. A broad spectrum of formats and genres will be featured, ranging from epic documentaries to comedies and dramas.