Fifteen films that were produced and co-produced in twelve countries have already been invited to compete in Generation Kplus and Generation 14plus. The complete Generation programme will be announced in mid January.

The application deadline for Ekran, a training programme organized by Wajda Studio and Wajda School, is 21 January 2013. Participation is free.

HELSINKI: Finnish films have scored an impressive five out of the Top 20 at the box office with the domestic thriller Nightmare/Painajainen merellä topping the fox office this week. 

HELSINKI: Three features are receiving 1,072,000 EUR from the Finnish Film Foundation ( in December 2012 with Kaisu Isto as film commissioner.

STRASBOURG: The Georgian National Film Centre ( continues to spearhead the integration of Georgian film into the European arthouse mainstream with its latest venture, a Georgian film in Strasbourg 16-22 December. 

WARSAW: Krakow Film Festival’s Sliver Dragon winners have been added to the list of qualifying awards for the Academy Awards nominations in the short film category.

The Interchange programme was created with the goal of building cooperation between film professionals from Europe and the Arab world through professional training centred on the in-depth development of a number of feature-length fiction film projects every year. It is open to 10 teams of writer/director & producer – usually about half of the participants are Arab and half are European –, as well as to 3 Arab film professionals interested in story editing training.

This year’s Black Nights Film Festival presented 266 feature length films at a record number of 705 screenings which is more than screened in Estonian cinemas during a whole year. All festival screenings and special film events reached 67 000 admissions.

Krakow, 11th December 2012 - American Film Academy enlarged the list of awards qualifying for application for the Academy Award to include the Silver Dragons given at Krakow Film Festival.

For the fifth time in 2013 and after the great success in 2012, Ties That Bind – Asia Europe Producers Workshop will be organised again in 2013 in partnership with FVG Audiovisual Fund, EAVE, Udine Far East Film Festival and Busan International Film Festival / Asian Project Market.