WARSAW: Searching for Hell, directed by Pawel Nazaruk &Tomasz Adamski, Darek Barecki, Yuki Nakamura, Gloria Kurnik and James Kenney has become the first long documentary film screened and distributed in Virtual Reality Cinema. 

KARLOVY VARY: The 50th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (KVIFF) will honour the American actor Richard Gere with  the Crystal Globe for Outstanding Artistic Contribution to World Cinema.

PRAGUE: Eurimages announces support for 31 coproductions including ten coproductions involving CEE countries. A total amount of 7,745,000 EUR goes to 27 features, three documentaries and one animation film.

VILNIUS: Vilnius International Film Festival Kino Pavasaris launched a programme allowing festival films to be screeneed throughout the year.

This month we take a break from out usual distributors list and we speak with Xavier Henry-Rashid, Managing Director at Film Republic, a London-based world sales agency specialised in art house fiction and cinematic documentaries. 

VALLETTA: Naomi Kawase's An won the Triton award for Best Film at the 1st edition of the first competitive film festival in Malta, Valletta Film Festival which wrapped 21 June 2015.

ZAGREB: Anja Kofmel’s Swiss/Croatian coproduction Chris the Swiss began production in Zagreb mid-June 2015. This is the first animated film benefiting from the incentives scheme launched by HAVC in 2012. 

BUDAPEST: Cinemadanube.com has signed an agreement with the Hungarian National Digital Archive (MaNDA), for the VOD distribution of 46 Hungarian classics in the US.  

VILNIUS: EAVE Producers Workshop 2016 will  take place in Luxembourg, Lithuania and Czech Republic. The deadline for application is 18 September 2015.

LJUBLJANA: Delegates meeting at the General Assembly of the Federation of European Film Directors (FERA) called on members of the European Commission and Parliament to enact FERA’s five point action plan as part of the Digital Single Market initiative.