Jacek Borcuch’s All That I Love has been nominated for the Polish Film Academy Awards: EAGLES in 8 categories, including Best Film, Best Director and Best Scriptwriter. The movie has the most nominations from all 32 candidates and is followed by Essential Killing by Jerzy Skolimowski (7) and Little Rose by Jan Kidawa-Błoński (7). The award ceremony will take place in Warsaw on the 7th of March 2011. All That I Love is available for professionals’ viewing at

The new film project by Jacek Borcuch, Lasting Moments (working title), was presented last week at the CineMart in Rotterdam and is set to shoot this summer. Lasting Moments (working title) is produced by Mañana.






TeleCameras - the most important Polish award in the television industry for Kino Polska Television

TeleCameras , the awards of the “Tele Tydzien” weekly TV guide were handed over to the laureates at the ceremony in Warsaw, on February 7.

Kino Polska Televisin received the prize for the best movie channel receiving 50% votes.

It proves that Polish cinematography promoted and broadcasted on Kino Polska Television is popular among viewers.

TeleCameras of TeleTydzień is the biggest media event of the television world in Poland.

TeleCameras is the next, prestigious prize for Kino Polska Television.

In November 2010 our channel for the second time in its history received Hotbird Award - satellite Oscar.

We would like to thank all the participants for the votes!

TeleCameras statuette proves that our work and love for Polish cinema has been appreciated by the viewers.

Kino Polska TV is also the distributor of FilmBox channels (FilmBox, FilmBox Extra, FilmBox Family and FilmBox HD) - very popular channels in Poland and other European countries.

Olga Gontarska | Specjalista ds. Promocji i Marketingu

adres korespondencyjny: Kino Polska TV S.A., ul. Cybernetyki 7, 02-677 Warszawa | tel. kom. 0 512 097 559 | tel. /22/ 356 74 00 w. 417 | fax /22/ 356 74 01 | e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kino Polska TV S.A.., ul. Puławska 61, 02-595 Warszawa | Sąd Rejonowy dla M.ST Warszawy w Warszawie, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego | Numer KRS: 0000363674| NIP 521-32-48-560 | Kapitał zakładowy 987 000 zł

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

let us add to the list of newsletters also one about Slovak cinema.

As you may already know, two Slovak co-productions were selected to the FORUM section of Berlinale:

THE HOUSE, by Zuzana Liová, CZ – SK 2011, World Premiere
MATCHMAKING MAYOR, by Erika Hníková, CZ – SK 2011, International Premiere

Slovakia will also participate at the EFM 2011 – for the 6th time there will be an informational and promotional stand available for all interested in Slovak cinema, at the Central European Cinema stand No. 126 at the Martin-Gropius-Bau (a new location). The Slovak co-production film 3 SEASONS IN HELL (dir. T. Mašín, CZ – DE – SK 2009), recently awarded at the Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn, will also have a market screening at the EFM.

Slovakia will be presented by accompanying events, as well:

CINEMA TOTAL 4 (organized by Collegium Hungaricum Berlin - .CHB)
Pitch Stop – presentation of projects: PIARGY by Lukáš Hanulák
True Stories – screenwriting debate: Zuzana Liová

Screening of THE BORDER (dir. J. Vojtek, SK 2009)

SCRIPTEAST – international training programme for scriptwriters: THE TOWN OF OTOL by Laura Siváková-Paššová and Biba Bohinská

The organizer of the Slovak cinema presentation at the EFM is the Slovak Film Institute, in co-operation with the Slovak Audiovisual Producers' Association, supported by the Audiovisual Fund. The particular events were supported by the Slovak Embassy in Germany, the Slovak Institute in Berlin and wine producer Chateau Topolčianky.


CEC stand No. 126 – Slovak Film Institute
Alexandra Strelková – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Katarína Tomková – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information please visit:

Looking forward to meeting you in Berlin,

Alexandra and Katarina

Slovak Film Institute,


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LINE UP Berlinale 2011

Film Europe is an established distribution and production company specializing in world sales of high quality cinema and TV programs with an international market potential.

We are proud to announce the Market Premiere of our films:
by Radim Spacek, THE GREATEST CZECHS by Robert Sedlacek and NICKY'S FAMILY by Matej Mináč

Marta Lamperova will be very pleased to meet you between the 10th-17th of February
at Martin Gropius Bau, Central European Stand, n126
Please find enclosed our lineup and contact us to schedule a meeting.

Best regards,

Marta Lamperova

by Radim Spacek
(Drama | Czech Republic, 2010, 146 min)

16.02. CineStar 7 at 09:00 AM

World premiere at Pusan IFF 2010
Czech Film Critics Awards 2010: The Best Film, The Best Script, The Best Actor in a Leading Role Awards & Newcomer of the Year for Ondrej Maly
Czechoslovakia, 1982. The totalitarian regime seems invincible. Antonín, a member of the secret police, is full of unfocused rage and everything around him - his work and family life - wears him down and bores him. He becomes fixated on Klára, a girl he has no hope of winning. He doesn't know what he wants but he wants it badly. There is no love in it or any other kind of genuine passion - only a burning desire to fulfill the fantasy of escaping from the cage of his boring and meaningless life. Antonín's senseless struggle to have Klára for himself not only turns him against the enemies of the regime but also against his own people and system itself. When Antonín breaks the rules of the organisation he serve, however, it is neither a civic or even political gesture, but rather purely personal and frenzied act of rebellion.
More information: <>

THE GREATEST CZECHS by Robert Sedlacek
(Mockumentary | Czech Republic, 2010, 96 min)

Czech Film Critics Award 2010: The Best Actress in a Leading Role Award & six nominations
Film crew on the road: Director, producer, director of photography, and sound artist. Starving artists who already have a number of films to their names, Czech Lion award-winning films, excellent reviews and have been screened at numerous festivals, but they don't have audiences. Their next collaborative effort - the director's lifetime dream - is quickly becoming oblivion because he failed to win a grant, which means it won't be made. And so the frustrated director and his colleagues await their chance among record-holders of curious disciplines such as crawling with a squash racquet or collecting four-leaf clovers. How will the collision of these two worlds end?
More information: <>

NICKY'S FAMILY by Matej Mináč
(Docudrama | Slovakia / Czech Republic, 2011, 90 min)

Nicky‘s Family is a continuation of the EMMY Award feature documentary Nicholas Winton: The Power of Good (2002) about the almost completely forgotten story of Sir Nicholas Winton, who in 1939, single - handedly and without any official support, organized Kinder transports that took 669 children from Prague through Hitler's Germany to safety in Great Britain. Nicky‘s Family shows the complete dramatic story of the rescue operation as seen from the point of view of the rescued children. We use reconstructed scenes that illustrate Winton's and the children's accounts of the real events. Besides the children, now in their 70s, the main narrative of the film is also narrated by Sir Nicholas Winton himself, now 100 years old and still in good health. Joe Schlesinger, the CBC reporter (and one of the rescued children), together with Christiane Amanpour, the chief CNN correspondent, guide us through the film and present how the motives of good and evil influence our lives.

BARDSONGS by Sander Francken
(Musical triptych | The Netherlands, 2010, 94 min.)

World premiere at Karlovy Vary IFF 2010
Dutch filmmaker Sander Francken directed the musical feature film BARDSONGS in India and Mali.
At the basis of this film are three folk tales from Rajasthan, Western Africa and Ladakh, turned to songs by musical celebrities from those regions and interpreted by local actors who knew these tales from their youth. The film focuses on the similarities between three totally different worlds: The world of Sahir, whose father refuses to pass judgement on his fate, the world of Bouba, a pupil at a Koran school who has to find the largest part of all knowledge and the world of Sonam, who has to sell his dzo (a crossbreed between a yak and a cow) and therefore journeys to town through the Himalayas with his daughter.
More information: <> <>

APRICOT ISLAND by Peter Bebjak
(1st feature / Drama | Slovakia, Hungary 2011, 96 min)

Apricot Island is a film about a girl, who raises passion and subsequent rage between two brothers. People in the neighbourhood have no idea what is going on between them. The only witness to their undistinguished, hidden and suddenly awakened love, which drives them hopelessly to a tragic end, is the beautiful nature surrounding the Danubian backwaters. Dawns and sunsets, hot summer, ripe apricots, the wide and lazily flowing Danube and love in all of its tragic and comical situations, are joined into a whole, which altogether makes a consensually suggestive film.

PIKO by Tomas Rehorek
(1st feature / Documentary | Czech Republic, 2010, 84 min)

Piko is contrasting the lives of three men whose fates were determined by drugs. One was among the chief inventors of pervitin, a Czech methamphetamine. The second worked in the anti-drug police squad and the third, a well-known rock star, became a drug addict. The dramatic twists and turns in the stories of these three real men later inspired the producers and creator of this film to combine documentary interviews with dramatized scenes mirroring the harrowing fall to the very bottom and the long road from hell back to life.
More information: <>


Film Europe
Marta Lamperova

Head of Sales and Development
Cell CZ: +420 739 592 040
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SPI Office CZ
Branicka 209
14200 Praha
Czech Republic

Polish public broadcaster Polish Television (TVP, will presents three films at the European Film Market in Berlin. Venice screens 11.02 at 12:30 in Arsenal 2. Made in Poland screens 13.02 at 13:30 in CinemaxX 16. Blind Date screens 13.02 at 17:00 in CinemaxX 16.

Prague, 4 February 2011 - This year the Czech Film Center will be representing Czech cinematography and the Czech film industry for the ninth time at the European Film Market (EFM), which is an integral part of Berlinale. The official partners of the CFC stand this year are Barrandov Studio and the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

CFC, together with film institutions from Slovenia and Slovakia, will form a joint stand with an area of 57 m2 under the name of Central European Cinema from February 10th to 18th. The stand will serve to promote the national cinemas and will also be a base for distributors, producers and vendors of films from the aforementioned countries. The CEC stand, numbered 126, can be found on the 1st floor of the Martin Gropius Bau museum building, where the EFM's main exhibition space is located.

In 2010 a total of 6450 visitors from the world over participated in the EFM. There were 419 companies from 48 countries represented. Film projections at the market offered 666 films during 1024 projects for more than 1300 buyers.

In 2011 three feature films and one trailer will be shown at the EFM: Kuky se vrací (Kooky, dir.: Jan Svěrák, represented by: Fandango Portobello Sales, GB), 3 sezóny v pekle (3 Seasons in Hell, dir.: Tomáš Mašín, represented by: The Yellow Affair, SE/FI), Pouta (Walking Too Fast, dir: Radim Špaček, represented by: Film Europe, CZ/SK) and a preview of the film Odcházení (Havel's Leaving, dir.: Václav Havel, represented by: Simply Cinema, CZ)

This year all the Czech films are represented on the market by "Sales," which are companies that specialise in the international sale of films.

The accompanying events at this year's Berlinale include the presentation of a new compilation DVD entitled Nultá léta (Year Zero), issued by the Czech Institute of Animation. The DVD presents a selection of short Czech animated films from the period from 2000 to 2010. The presentation will take place on February 16th at 7 p.m. in Berlin's Czech Centre.

You will find enclosed a complete program of the projections of all Czech films at the Berlin International Film Festival and EFM including the accompanying events (only in English).


CFC, Jana Černík - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., mobile phone: 724 32 99 49

Lenka Šindelářová

Czech Film Center - Film Promotion


Národní 28, 110 00 Praha 1

tel: + 420 221 105 398

gsm: +420 604 307 605

fax: + 420 221 105 303

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dear Filmmakers and Film Lovers,

The 8th Cinefest International Festival of Young Filmmakers will take place between the 17th and 25th September, 2011, in Miskolc, Hungary.

We’re looking forward to meet young people and film experts again in Miskolc. In the past years our festival won renown and prestige not only in the region and in Europe, but all over the world. Every year we have several hundreds of entries, representing all countries, from Japan and Mexico to the farthest corners of the world, and the filmmakers who participate the event are offered, besides the screenings, a various scale of cultural programs.

We are waiting long feature films, short films, experimental films, documentaries and animation films as well.

The rules and conditions are the following: The director of the film must be under the age of 35 at the shooting of the movie, and the film cannot be older than 3 years (1 January, 2008). In terms of long features films the director’s age could be over 35, in case the film is the director’s first long feature film. There is no charge of application. The prizes of the festival (money and certificates) are awarded by an international jury.

We are waiting for applications from all over the world.

The entry form and the regulations can be downloaded from:

Deadline of application: 31 May, 2011.

We welcome you to the 8th Cinefest Festival this September 17-25, 2011!

Bíró Tibor

Festival Director


General information:

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Information in English:

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Information in German:

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Wszystko jest możliwe, Poland, 52 min, Digi Beta, Portrait

A cottage with a small garden at the edge of the village. Windows decorated with geraniums. The two elderly dwellers, Teresa and Jan, couldn't be more different. She starts her mornings with a heart-pumping exercise routine, and keeps busy all day. He moons about the house as if he had all the time in the world.

ALMANYA and MY BEST ENEMY in competition

Munich, 2 February 2011. Beta Cinema is heading for this year’s Berlinale Film Market with a full docket: 16 titles, including two competition films, one Panorama and one Forum film each as well as five LOLA@BERLINALE entries will be presented at the EFM to German and foreign buyers.

The melodrama about German-Turkish immigrant workers ALMANYA, the tragic-comedy MY BEST ENEMY (both in competition) and the Russian science fiction TARGET (Panorama) are also world premieres. Also being screened for the first time is the feature film version of HINDENBURG, which portrays the spectacular zeppelin catastrophe of 1937. The Congolese smuggler film VIVA RIVA! (Forum), which has already been sold to all English speaking territories (Music Box/US - Metrodome/UK - Rialto/Australia/New Zealand - Mongrel Media/Canada) is celebrating its European premiere.

ALMANYA (Official selection [out of competition], world premiere on 12 February 2011, 7:30 pm, Berlinale Palast) is the feature-film debut of Yasemin Samdereli (“Turkish for Beginners”), who was born in Germany into a Turkish family. Together with her sister Nesrin, she has woven her own personal experiences into the script. With warmth and humor, the film tells the story of a Turkish family that has been living in Germany for three generations setting off on a turbulent journey to their homeland. ALMANYA is a production of Roxy Film and will be released in German theaters by Concorde on 10 March.

In MY BEST ENEMY (Official selection [out of competition], world premiere on 16 February 2011, 7:30 pm, Berlinale Palast), Wolfgang Murnberger (“The Bone Man,” “Silentium”) tells a story of friendship, love and betrayal, in which tragedy and humor are always close by. Only through his quick-minded exchange of his concentration camp garb for an SS uniform does the Jewish gallery owner Victor (Moritz Bleibtreu, “Goethe!,” “The Baader Meinhof-Complex”) succeed in outliving Adolf Hitler. Co-starring are Georg Friedrich (“Northface”) and Marthe Keller, who is currently appearing in Clint Eastwood’s “Hereafter.” MY BEST ENEMY is produced by Josef Aichholzer, whose film “The Counterfeiters” won the Academy Award in 2008 as Best Foreign Film. MY BEST ENEMY is distributed in Austria by Filmladen and is coming to cinemas on 11 March. The movie has already been presold to the UK (Metrodome), Japan (The Klockworx), Czech Republic/Slovakia (Hollywood C.E.) and China (ERG Film).

TARGET (Panorama, world premiere on 14 February 2011, 6:30 pm, Friedrichstadtpalast) is produced by Dimitry Lesnevsky/Ren Film and directed by Alexander Zeldovich (“Moscow”). The portrait of Russian society in the year 2020 describes the fears and hopes of the rich and powerful. In a secret space center from the Soviet era, contact with a mysterious TARGET allows people to keep their youthful looks. But the price of youth is high... Co-author of the script is the successful Russian author Vladimir Sorokin, whose books have been translated into more than 20 languages and who has won the renowned People’s Booker Prize.

The surprise hit at the Toronto International Film Festival, VIVA RIVA! (FORUM, Premiere on 11 February 2011, 9:45 pm, Delphi), about the rise and fall of a gasoline smuggler plays in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. For the small-time criminal Riva, Kinshasa is the ideal place to make lucrative deals. But his dream of fast money becomes a nightmare that ends on a grimy corner of the city. Directed by Djo Tunda Wa Munga, VIVA RIVA! was produced by Formosa (France), MG Production (Belgium) and Suka! (Democratic Republic of Congo) with the support of the French Pay TV broadcaster Canal +.

The dramatic and still unsolved mystery of the explosion of the zeppelin HINDENBURG shortly before landing in New Jersey in 1937, ranks among the major catastrophes of civilian aviation. The action-packed film shot in English by teamWorx and EOS recounts the story of a German-American conspiracy through which an US industrialist (Stacy Keach, “Prison Break”) hopes to make a lucrative helium-gas deal. In further roles are Lauren Lee Smith (“CSI”), Maximilian Simonischek and Greta Scacchi (“Trojan Horse”); director is Philipp Kadelbach. EFM premiere is on 11 February 2011 at 11 am in the dffb-Kino/Filmhaus.

In the new section German Cinema - LOLA@BERLINALE, which comprises the films nominated for the German Film Award, Beta Cinema is presenting no fewer than five entries. Florian Cossen’s THE DAY I WAS NOT BORN with Jessica Schwarz (“Parfume – The Story of a Murderer”) was honored with the Audience Award and the Fipresci Award at the Montreal Film Festival and the award for the best German film at the Zurich Filmfest. The children’s soccer film THE DEVIL’S KICKERS with Benno Fürmann (“Northface,” “Merry Christmas”) was seen in Germany alone by about 600,000 viewers. Bruno Ganz (“Downfall”) plays the lead role in Jo Baier’s THE END IS MY BEGINNING, which is based on the best-selling book by SPIEGEL correspondent Tiziano Terzani. Also nominated for the German Film Award is GOETHE! by director Philipp Stölzl (“Northface”), starring Alexander Fehling (“Inglourious Basterds”) and Burkhard Klaussner (“The White Ribbon”). VINCENT WANTS TO SEA, about a young man with Tourette syndrome (Florian David Fitz, “Men in the City”), drew an attendance of over a million viewers, making it one of the most successful German films of the past year.

Also in the Beta Cinema line-up are BLACK BREAD by Augusti Villaronga, which has been nominated 14 times for the Spanish film award Goya, as well as COLOURS IN THE DARK by Sophie Heldmann, both in competition at the San Sebastian Film Festival. Ascanio Celestini’s THE BLACK SHEEP was screened in competition at the Venice Film Festival, and the Icelandic film KING’S ROAD was acclaimed at the Piazza Grande in Locarno. John Turturro’s PASSIONE, a musical homage to Naples, also ran in Venice as well as in the competition of the Toronto International Film Festival. Finally, A QUIET LIFE with Toni Servillo (“Il Divo”) and Juliane Köhler (“Downfall”) was a competition entry at the Rome Film Festival.

For further information:

Beta Cinema Press, Dorothee Stoewahse, Tel: + 49 89 67 34 69 15

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Pictures can be downloaded at:, username: ftppress01, password: 8uV7xG3tB


Beta Cinema is the theatrical division of Beta Film. Launched in 2001, Beta Cinema has established itself as a "boutique operation" for independent feature films with strong potential for theatrical distribution. Beta Cinema's philosophy is to limit its selective acquisition policy of 10 to 15 titles per year in order to fully develop the theatrical potential of each title according to its individual character. Beta Cinema’s portfolio includes outstanding productions like JOHN RABE, which won four German Film Awards 2009, Cannes 2008 Jury Prize-winning IL DIVO, Academy Award 2008-winning THE COUNTERFEITERS, Academy Award 2008 nominated MONGOL, Academy Award 2007-winning THE LIVES OF OTHERS and the Academy Award 2005-nominated DOWNFALL.

Beta Film GmbH


Gruenwalder Weg 28 d
D - 82041 Oberhaching
Phone: +49 89 673469 15

Fax: +49 89 673469 888

Mobile: + 49 170 63 84 627

Sitz und Registergericht: Oberhaching; eingetragen im HR München Nr. HRB 143023

Geschäftsführer: Jan Mojto

"EEFA Training Network 2011"

EAST EUROPEAN FILM ALLIANCE, a consortium of Eastern European film organizations with the financial support of the MEDIA MUNDUS launch its training program „EEFA Training Network 2011" to be held during this year.

The EEFA Consortium is coordinated by the RFS (Romanian Film Sector, Romania) and has for 2011 the following partners: HAVC (Croatian Audiovisual Center) – Croatia, IFF Molodist (Kyiv International Film Festival Molodist) – Ukraine, ALTFilm (ALTFilm) – Moldova, ASA (Ankara Cinema Association) – Turkey, BNFC (Bulgarian National Film Center ) and GEOPOLY (Geopoly Film) – Bulgaria, IFF Moscow (Moscow International Film Festival) – Russia, PÖFF Tallinn (PÖFF - Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival ) – Estonia, LNFC - National Film Centre of Latvia, Georgian National Film Center – Georgia and State Film Fund from Ministry of Culture and Tourism Azerbaidjan.

In 2011, EEFA will again operate a one-year Training Network for its partners in the following countries: Croatia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Estonia. Alongside our partners, the initiative is supported by Media Mundus.

EEFA TRAINING NETWORK intends to be a platform for film professionals from the East European countries and EU neighboring countries, utilizing co-production projects as concrete means to gather talents and strengthen the wide regional film industry.

EEFA TRAINING NETWORK will create, develop and help capitalization of opportunities for international co-productions between the Eastern and European partner countries, as well as with the established film markets in the EU, trying to inter-relate the existing platforms or markets.

EEFA TRAINING NETWORK will facilitate information exchange and stimulate market intelligence by establishing a wide professional network that makes effective use of the information regarding necessary working conditions, legal framework, systems of financing, systems of distribution/exhibition within the audiovisual markets in the partner countries.

EEFA TRAINING NETWORK will enhance the competitiveness and international co-operation of the audio-visual sector of the East European partner countries in relationship with their European counterparts.

EEFA TRAINING NETWORK will foster opportunities for cultural diversity, product exchange and circulation of audiovisual products among the partner countries and within the EU by offering access to an industry-standard professional network available for all its members.

Learning targets and professional benefits

Participants will know the elements needed for a viable film project and will have improved their skills in how to draft a professional film-script, how to produce a film, how to deal with the main legal issues, how to analyze target audiences and market potential of a film project.

Participants will have improved their understanding of the film sector in their country as well as of the other partner countries in order to understand the basic requirements to enter into co-production.

Participants will have gained concrete parameters as to how to develop their career further in film and/or audiovisual field, as well as how to improve their daily practice.

Participants will have a better understanding of the functioning and dynamics of the European and Eastern film markets.

Training format and methodology

The training is spanned on the duration of a year, and consists of four phases:

an on-line preparation phase during which all participants align themselves on key principles regarding the topics they work upon, have interactive feedback in the form of questions and answers, and work on assignments.

Participants will receive on-line a set of core concepts and a list of assignments before the workshops, in order to attend the training with an equal level of understanding and preparation for the live workshops.

a live phase of spotlight meetings of the four basic film business crafts (screenwriters, producers, legal representatives, distribution representatives) in the form of residential workshops where initial assignments are evaluated and improved.

In the workshop, know-how input will be given through lectures, case studies and screenings for all participants. In the plenary and in group sessions led by the trainers, participants will discuss and analyze specific topics or case studies.


Session no. 1: "Scriptwriting Development for Documentary"

Parallel to the event : ZagrebDox

where : Zagreb (Croatia)

when: 3rd -7th of March 2011

Session no. 2: “Scriptwriting Development for Fiction”

framework event : Festival of European Co-productions

where : Sofia (Bulgaria)

when: 18th -21st of May 2011

Session no. 3: “Management of Film Production”

framework event : Molodist International Film Festival

where : Kyiv (Ukraine)

when: 27rd -30th of October 2011

Session no. 4 : “Legal and Distribution Matters”

framework event : Baltic Nights Film Festival (POFF)

where : Tallin (Estonia)

when : 30th of November – 4th of December 2011

And framework event:

Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale 2012)

where: Berlin (Germany)

when: February, 2012

This year, 14 projects will be selected (potentially, one per each partner country) and then given access to the Training Network program. The participants apply in teams and with projects, and will benefit of one year of online assistance for their projects coming out from European experts: Mrs. Catherine Buresi (FR) – Head of Studies, Mr. Patrice Vivancos (GR/FR), Mr. Christian Routh (UK/SP) , Mrs. Linda Beath (CA/IT), Mrs. Marta Lamperova (CZ/DE), Mr. Dirk Poppendieck (DE), as well as other visiting experts.

Who can apply

EEFA Project 2011 is open only for the film professionals who are residents of the 14 partner countries plus Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia etc.

The trainees for EEFA Training Network will apply in project teams (producer, writer/director, legal expert, promotion expert) that share the same long feature film project (fiction or documentary, more than 70 minutes) being currently in development phase.

Application requirements

The applications will be evaluated taking into considerations both the quality of the submitted projects and the professional profiles of the members of the team.

Indicative selection criteria for the submitted film project

  • quality of the script

  • international market potential

Indicative criteria for the members of the film project

Selection procedure

Selection criteria for producers: either to have produced a minimum of two hours of audiovisual programs (any format and genre, no matter whether through their own or a third entity) or to have a sound business and managerial experience in any other field. They need to be currently working in their country on project where they have teamed up with the writer/director.

Selection criteria for writers or directors: to have written and/or directed at least two hours of audiovisual program (any format and genre). They need to be currently working in their country on project where they have teamed up with the producer.

Selection criteria for legal experts: at least three years of professional activity, preferably with experience linked to the film sector and intellectual property law. They need to be currently working in their country on project where they have teamed up with the producer.

Selection criteria for promotion expert: at least three years of professional activity in film marketing/promotion. They need to be currently working in their country on project where they have teamed up with the producer.

Submit the documents

The application package will be drafted only in English and will contain:

Application form (properly filled in and signed);

CVs for each member of the team: producer, writer/director, legal experts, promotion expert. Each CV has to be updated with relevant information regarding the experience in cinematography industry or related fields and has to contain a photo in pdf or jpg format.

Long feature film project (fiction or documentary, more than 70 minutes) folder, which will include:

  • synopsis (one page)

  • treatment (maximum 10 pages)

  • draft budget and financing plan (in euros; one page each)

  • draft distribution plan (one page)

A motivation letter signed by the Producer, containing a brief description of the production company and which has to provide arguments sustaining the interest of the team in participating within EEFA Training Network 2011.

EEFA Training Network will provide all technical support for an easy and secure application procedure.

All documents will be sent via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scholarships and financial obligations of the participants EEFA Training Network 2011 requests a fee of 170 E from selected participants.

EEFA will grant, however, four scholarships, based on the criteria of project performance.

Application Deadline

Your application will only be considered if all requirements are met and all of your documents have been received in English and in the formats mentioned under the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within the deadline February 13th, 2011!

For any request or information, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The East European Film Alliance is supported in 2011 by Media Mundus (an EU program aiming the development of the audiovisual industry in partnership with non-EU countries), by the FilmNewEurope website and the MAQS Law Firm.



Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mobile: +40 753 125 237 Project ManagerRUXANDRA CERNATEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Mobile: +40 753 166 046

Project Assistant


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mobile: +40 753 125 247

Tel/fax: +40 21 320 6072