FNE VISEGRAD FORUM: FNE Interview with Martin Smatlak
FNE spoke with Martin Šmatlák, the first director of the new Slovak Audiovisual Fund (http://www.culture.gov.sk/sekcie/audiovizualny-fond2), about the current state of the Slovak film industry.
FNE VISEGRAD FORUM: Slovak film and the global financial crisis
While commercial Slovak television, led by CME's Markiza TV, has seen a dramatic downturn in advertising revenues due to the global economic crisis, the Slovak film industry has so far…
FNE VISEGRAD FORUM: Country Focus Slovakia 2009
Slovakia made a giant step forward in 2009 with the adoption of the Euro as its national currency and long awaited audiovisual legislation that established a new Audiovisual Fund.
FNE VISEGRAD FORUM: Co-productions in Slovakia
Slovakia's filmmakers have participated in an impressive 12 coproductions in 2009 -- four of them with a Slovak majority share.
FESTIVALS: Bratislava announces competition films
The Slovak film Foxes will be among twelve films to compete at the 11th Bratislava film festival, November 27 - December 4.
Slovakia nominates Broken Promise for Oscar race
The Slovak Film and Television Academy (SFTA) has nominated the film Broken Promise (directed by Jiri Chlumsky) as the Slovak entry for the Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award 2010.
Producer workshop scheduled for Slovakia
The next MAIA Workshop for emerging European producers will take place October 5-9 in Modra, near Bratislava.
Film Europe presents Foxes in Venice
Film Europe (www.filmeurope.eu), SPI International's (www.spi-film.eu) production and sales partner organization, is in Venice with the world premiere of Foxes from Slovak director Mira Fornay on September 9 and 10.
Towercom wins Slovak tender
The Slovak Telecommnuncations Office announced that it has awarded its digital broadcast tender to Towercom (www.towercom.sk).
CME launches TV Doma in Slovakia
Central European Enterprise (CME, www.cetv-net.com) will begin broadcasting TV DOMA (At Home), a soap opera and romance channel aimed at female audiences aged 12-54, on August 31.
Bratislavafilm a summer hit for Slovakia
After three weeks in Slovak distribution, the low-budget Slovak film Bratislavafilm (www.bratislavafilm.sk) has pulled in 35,667 admissions.
FNE Country Focus: Slovakia: Slovak Film Industry Poised for Renaissance
SLOVAKIA: The year 2009 is already being hailed as a major watershed for Slovakia's film industry with both the conversion to the Euro and the country's long awaited new film…
Slovak internet TV channel launched
News web server www.sme.sk launched an internet television channel, tv.sme.sk, on June 11.
Production: Janosik in post-production
The Polish-Slovak-Czech-Hungarian co-production about the Slovak folk hero Janosik, Janosik. The True Story is in postproduction, with sound work taking place in Bratislava, Warsaw and Prague.
Production: New Vojnár film set for debut
My Husband's Women, the latest film from Ivan Vojnár, has racked up sales to Poland and Greece prior to its debut in Slovakia in late June.
CME to launch new Slovak channel
Central European Media Enterprises (CME) is poised to launch a new channel in Slovakia, TV Doma, joining its flagship Slovak station Markiza TV.
Slovak admissions see dramatic increase
Slovak cinemas attracted 1,022,890 viewers in the first quarter of 2009, a 44% rise in admissions comparing to the first quarter in the year 2008.
Kerekes lines up co-producers at EFP event
Slovak director and producer Peter Kerekes found co-producers for his film on cosmonauts while participating in European Film Promotion's Producers On the Move at Cannes.
Slovaks organize media complex
The Slovak government has approved the construction of a new media complex in Bratislava, housing the three state-supported public media institutions.
Slovak films thrive in local cinemas
A newly discovered interest in local film production pushed the market share for Slovak films to an unprecedented 15% in 2008.