FNE together with Europa Cinemas continues its Cinema of the Month series. In recognition of the hard work and excellence of European cinema operators we choose a cinema from each country covered by FNE each month.

FNE together with Europa Cinemas continues its Cinema of the Month series. In recognition of the hard work and excellence of European cinema operators we choose a cinema from each country covered by FNE each month.

After celebrating, in the past two years, Israeli cinema and Romanians' century-long contribution to the glory of Hollywood, the third edition of MECEFF- THE CENTRAL EUOPEAN FILM FESTIVAL which will take place between June 25 and 29, has as special guest a country whose cinema history was always connected to the evolution of world cinema: Germany.

FNE spoke to of the Jerome Paillard Executive Director of the Marche Du Film about how the marketplace for films is changing in the new digital era and how smaller countries can avoid getting lost in the crowd in Cannes.

FNE asked Czech director Jiri Menzel about his new film Don Juan which has its premier at the end of may as well as about the state of European cinema today.  Menzel will have a retrospective of his films at Filmoteka in Warsaw in May 2013

WARSAW: Twelve film projects from eight CEE countries will vie for the Krzysztof Kieślowski ScripTeast Award for the Best Eastern European Script along with a prize of 10,000 EUR to be announced at the Cannes IFF on 22 May 2013.

FNE together with Europa Distribution continues its Distributor of the Month series. In recognition of the hard work and excellence of European distributors and the common problems they face, especially in the transition to digitalization, we choose a distributor from each country covered by FNE each month.

The Finnish Film Foundation announced production grants to three feature length films, including one animated film.

VILNIUS: The short film Aldona by Lithuanian video artist Emilija Škarnulytė is screening in the competition programme of the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, running through 7 May 2013.

Films chosen to be coproduced by the Mazovia Film Fund.